Handling Special Occasions like Holiday Parties

  • I didn't see anything regarding this so I thought I would start a new thread.
    I hope others will share what and how they handled special occasions like all of the holiday parties we will be attending in the next month or so.

    As I had mentioned last week, I have always avoided going to parties as a "fattie" because I was freaked out by the array of "forbidding" foods and the thought that total strangers would see me "eating" and actually enjoying it. I think that was self-recrimination and feeling guilty and ashamed about being obese.

    Well, this past Saturday I went to my first non-family holiday party in decades. I have made excuses in the past. Some were legit and some were bare-faced lies. I was absolutely nervous about this one but I went to our church's annual Christmas party. I wore a really pretty outfit that was comfortable. I ate what I usually eat for a meal. No more or less. This was professionally catered. The dessert table was so beautiful. There was towers and towers of cookies, miniature cakes, and all kinds of cakes galore!

    I ate a couple of raw vegetables for the hors doeuvres, I had two pieces of lean meat, 1 c. of mashed potatoes, green beans. I chose three cookies for my dessert. I had 1/2 glass wine and two glasses of ice water. I finished off the night with a can of diet soda.

    My husband has said that he noticed lately that I seem to be more peaceful regarding food.

    I did it. I faced my worst nightmare and I didn't deviate from my food plan (WW Flex Points Plan). I wasn't stuffed and I didn't go home and "sneak eat" either. I went home and took two tylenols and went to bed.

    Woo Hooo!
  • Awesome, good for you. I'll be going to DH's company party Friday. I'll let you know!
  • I try, especially during this time of the year, to eat pretty carefully during the week because the weekends usually bring countless situations where I can't always have the "ideal" food. Let's face it, no one serves huge salads and lean meat during this season.

    I try to watch what I eat, and eat small portions of all I do eat. I don't alway succeed but I work hard during the week and I figure as long as I'm not binging or gorging myself on food from go...it's ok.

    My advice, work to stay on plan during the week. Let someone else make the cookies and sweets. And take it easy on yourself on the weekend while not going crazy. I think once you get your groove on...everything falls in place.