Short Chicks

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  • Quote: I like this!!!

    Don't you hate it when..... the shoulder seat belt "chokes" you!!
    Yes, yes, arrghh!, gurgle, yes.

    Also, I hate the fact that I have to sit on one pillow and have another one behind me in order to drive.

    And can't drive a new car due to airbag dangers.
  • Quote:
    Don't you hate it're sitting all the way back in a chair and your feet don't touch the ground
    OMG YES!!! I've gotten a reputation at work for getting up and pacing around during meetings, but that's because my feet dangle and fall asleep. I'd be more comfortable if I could sit with one leg tucked under, but that's too undignified for the corporate world.
  • Merry Christmas to all the Short Chicks
  • We had to get special permission from the state and then find a dealership that would turn the drivers side air bag off on my Caddie. Darn thing ever went off it would have crushed my chest lol.

    My feet never touch the floor if I am sitting down.

    I have Buster Brown's dog pooping in my shoes, rainbow bright and I are best friends, I had the first pair of light up shoes on the block.

    I have to have dress shoes special made. I wear a size 4 in womans dress shoes but my foot is as wide as the box lol. The box tends to fit better than the shoes. I wear a size 2 in kids tennis shoes. Hard to get shoes when it is time for the back to school sales. All that pushing and shoving. If those darn grade schoolers would get out of my way, they wouldn't get knocked down so much lol.
  • MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL THE SHORT CHICKS!! I'll be back later to chat more. Have a WONDERFUL DAY!!
  • Good morning all! I hope your holidays were as good as mine! Apparently someone thought I was a very good girl this year!

    But today I'm back to work. I weighed in first thing this morning - and I did good. i'm up #.4 from Friday. I'm still #2.8 away from my New Years goal - so I have to be on my best behavior this week to get close!

    didn't bring a scale for me - so I'm going to buy one - before Sunday. I'm starting over again then with the new scale - and I have OCD about everything having to start on Sundays

    I'm putting together a new contest for work... I'm hoping that more people will stick to it this time! Although - the extra $40 from the last one was nice - I'd love to have it be more

    Have a great day girls - I have to get back to work.... *sigh*
  • Hello short chicks,
    I had to move my ticker up But I'm back ready to start journaling my food and exercising. My elliptical was delivered Monday but was missing a bolt. They're coming today to fix it. I'll let everyone know how it goes.
  • teacher - I had to move mine up a bit this morning too... and then i binged at lunch and had Red Robin... Chicken burger w/ fries! *ugh* I guess it'll be soup tonight to keep under my cals for the day! Oh well - It could've been much worse!!!
  • I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, I know I did. It is now time to pay the piper.....I have a weigh in tonight, then I am off to Vegas for 5 days tomorrow! I'm pretty sure I will show a gain, I have just been indulging my sweet tooth since last Wednesday. Then I made 2 batches of cookies on 2 consecutive days, and had to sample them all of course! Oy! Oh well, I am not pressuring myself to stay totally OP until after the New year.....I also promise myself that I won't overindulge too much while eating at all those fabulous buffets.

    Rennie, you crack me up every time!

    Teacher, don't you just hate it when parts are missing from things? I hope you get it replaced with no problem. Our TV had some bolts missing from the stand so my hubby had to go to the hardware store to improvise. Either that or wait a week for some replacements to come by mail...what a pain either way.

    Good luck on your challenge Enygirl, you can do it!!!

    Hello Magrat!

    Hello to all and especially hello to any newcomers as well. I have to get cracking if I'm going to get packing
  • I bought my scale today! so I'm going to change my tickers over to the *new* scale in the morning and consider it my start.. well actually when i weigh in on Suday that will be my official start weight... OCD.
  • I had a MAINTAIN at my weigh-in tonight. I am in disbelief!!! Off to Vegas I go!
  • Hello Ladies! I hope everyone had a good Christmas and Santa was good to you!
    I don't know if I told you that I've been watching craigslist for an elliptical--- Well, I found a Gazelle on there the first of December that the lady said was just like new and she wanted $100 for it. I sent her an email I think it was last week and asked if she still had it. She said she did but they were leaving and wouldn't be back until the 28th. So I figured that I would keep watching and if nothing came along better than I would call her this Friday and offer her $50 for it. I got all my "horse trading mentality" from my Daddy! Anyway, I got on craigslist this morning and they had a Proform elliptical for $25 ! I sent an email and asked if they still had it and where would I see it. They replied and then said they had to go to a birthday party this afternoon and wouldn't be home until about 3:00. He said that there was something wrong with adjusting the resistance and the console didn't light up but thought it would just need new batteries. So I told them that I would just buy it and we would be at their house at 3:00. We got down there and looked at it and tried it out. I asked if he would take $20 for it and he agreed! So I now have it here at home. I was pretty excited about it. We tried new batteries and that didn't help the console display but Tim hasn't got into it anymore tonight. And right now I sure don't need to change the resistance because I was on it for about 5 minutes and was just about worn out! He told us he thought that the resistance level right now was set at the lowest. It is a Proform 485E which is an older model but the price was definitely right!! I went ahead and got the internet and downloaded an owners manual for it so maybe we can get it figured out and fix those two things that are wrong with it. If not-- it was still worth the $20! I guess you can tell that I'm pretty happy about it!
    Here are a couple pictures of Ginger & Sissy in their new dresses! I just couldn't resist!
    Well, it is getting late but wanted to pop in and say Hello. I will try to get caught up with everyone tomorrow! Have a good night!
  • Mele - Great Job maintaining! It's hard to do that during this time of year! Have a BLAST in Las Vegas!!!

    Karen - Great Find!!! I'm jealous! I would LOVE to have an elliptical machine!

    I weighed in on my new scale this morning.. in the buff... at my house... ahhh... it's so nice to be able to do that! The scale isn't off from the one at work - if it is it's barely off. i weighed in at #187 this morning. I'm making my "official" weigh in day Sunday's starting the 30th (although I may weigh in on the 31st if I'm not at my mini-goal yet )
  • Envy- Congrats on the new scale!
    Mele- Have fun in Vegas.
    Karen- I love the pixs of your puppies. Pink is my favorite color

    The elliptical I got is still having problems so the company is coming this morning to switch out the machine. I'll let you know how it goes.
  • The elliptical is working. I just did 30 minutes. After the first 10 min I wanted to stop but I pushed on for the full 30 min