Dehydrated Fruit

  • So. I bought some dehydrated fruit from a Farmers Market thinking that it is just fruit with less water and it would be a good alternative snack..... UM NOT SO MUCH!!!!!!!! A 1/2 cup of dehydrated apples is 190 calories. THAT IS CRAZY!!!!! So now I have these dehydrated apples and Im afraid to eat them.....
  • I just have never understood that. It is just dried out fruit! Why so much sugar in it? I guess it gets concentrated with the water removed.
    I feel your pain!! Love the stuff, but it really packs on calories.
  • Don't be afraid to eat them... just eat less of them. You could put about 1/4th of a cup into some oatmeal in the morning, you could make some trailmix (it's usually high calorie but a really good snack), you could make some breakfast muffins or granola bars and stick them in there.
  • Use them in a salad or something. I stay away from dried fruit because they are basically sugar bombs I have eaten them on occasion but not by themselves.
  • I don't eat them often either. I make some oatmeal breakfast bars sometimes and put some in, but that's about it. It makes sense though if an apple has about 80 calories and half a cup of dried apple bits is the same as a couple of apples. It's only water that's been removed, not calories. But some dried fruits do have sugar added too, so you have to be careful.
  • I hear ya! I love those Ocean Spray "Craisins" but they're like 150 cals for 1/3 of a cup hahah I could eat 2 cups in one sitting
  • I used to wonder about that whole sugar/calorie thing also, until a friend explained it to me. Similar explanation can be found here: