Bloated and miserable

  • I sort of mentioned this in a separate posting but I didn't want to take away from Circles question. So, I will query here.

    Have you ever had problems with bloating when you have too much sugar or carbs in your diet? I'm trying to figure out why I might be feeling so bloated. I"m wondering if it is the metformin but that usually upsets my stomach and makes me go. But now I wonder if it's because I have an unbalanced diet. If you have any thoughts on this, I"d love to hear your viewpoint. I'm prediabetic but I haven't seen my doctor in awhile (fear of more bad news) and now I worry my blood sugar levels are higher making it impossible to turn around Diabetes II. Pathetic, I know.
  • I'm borderline prediabetic myself and I was on metformin for awhile myself and couldn't handle being on it since it gave me a lot of painful stomach cramps constantly, seemed my body never got used to it and bathroom issues. I also did feel extremely bloated for a time when I was eating/drinking a lot of sugar and as soon as I stopped it got better. I actually got to go off of it recently since I eat much better than I did when I started it. But yes quit the sugar at least or drastically reduce it and cut down on starchy carbs and more veggies/fruits for your carbs instead and you might see a difference. That's what I did and my doctor was happy and I also actually lost weight without even exercising. Hope this helps..
  • I think that's the key. I think the sugar and carbs are causing the bloating but I didn't think it was in link to the metformin but now that you've mentioned it, I think that's a key factor. Will work on cutting out the sugar and carbs. Need to do that anyway.

    Thanks for the feedback.
  • Seems like you are on the right track . . . always love it when posters come up with the great answers before I even get here.

    Keep those carbs under control (especially the white ones). I know I get that same problem if I over indulge and I do think it is connected to the Metformin going to work on the excess sugars and flours.

    Oh . . . BTW . . . Get back to see your doctor and get an appointment with a DEC (Diabetes Education Centre) if you can. You know you cannot control it by ignoring the disease . . . I tried to do just that for quite a few years. It does NOT work. Rant over.