• Ok. So I have serious PMS. Im not emotional or irritable. But I want to eat everything in sight. I have done exceptionally well this week. I have lost 5 pounds. I am having a hard time staying out of the kitchen. I just had a big dinner at 7. Meatloaf and potatos and greenbeans. any other time I would be full and satisfied. BUT due to PMS I am starving. So do I give in and eat and just start fresh when the PMS is gone. I dont know what to do. UUUUUGGGGGG
  • NOOOOOO!!!!! TOM comes every 4 weeks or so. You just can't keep on giving in every time it arrives. You won't make much headway. HANG TOUGH. This will pass and you will get through it. You've got to!!! You hear?!!?!?!?!? IF you're truly, TRULY hungry, have something filling, but low calorie - a large salad, some cut up veggies, a huge glass of water or flavored hot tea. An egg white omlette with veggies. Fat free/sugar free yogurt. An apple. Keep it within reason and you'll be just fine. Hang tough Daphne. We're all pulling for you. You want to keep those 5 lbs off of you and a few of his friends - for good. Maybe you should try something to distract yourself. Journaling, the computer, straightening up the house - anything. But remember, keep it within reason if you must eat. You're doing just great!
  • Do you know what exactly it is that you're craving?

    Sweet? Salty? Chocolate? Crunchy? Smooth? Is it a texture or a flavor?

    I would try drinking some water and trying to find something distracting. I get awful PMS cravings and cramps, and I find that exercise helps take my mind off of it, and helps to alleviate some of the discomfort. It also forces me not to eat for at least a half hour, and by then, I'm usually over it.
  • I am so there with you as I went through this just a week ago and every month, but last week was the worst. I just wanted to constantly eat. I think during that time it's okay if I eat a little more than normal, if it keeps me from totally pigging out and it's on-plan stuff. For me, it's chocolate. So I make NSA hot cocoa, eat NSA fudgesicles or chocolate pudding. And something new I tried last time was to break up my food into snacks, so that I had something I could eat about every 30 minutes or so. I didn't eat a whole meal at once for several days. You've just got to get through a few days of this and you'll go back to normal. Give yourself lots of non-food treats too, pampering is awesome.
  • Schmoodle has a great point! Non-food treats are great. Hot bubble baths, painting your nails, curling up with a blanket and a good book, or a movie you've been dying to see. Try taking your mind off food; it does not control you. You control the food.
  • I'm noticing I'm weak now when TOM comes. I wasn't having regular periods but since taking off nearly 40 lbs. they're coming right on time. I still workout when TOM is here, but I guess my body is trying to tell me not at the intensities I work at normally. I'm noticing I get overheated and feel faint, so when TOM is here I have to cut my workouts short.

    It sucks, but I guess I should be thankful it's coming like it should now, as oppossed to barely at all.
  • yah you can't sacrifice those awesome 5 pounds !!! and this pain in the BLEEEEP will show up each and every month til menopause so you can't give in to it! I tend to chug ridiculous amounts of water when those moods hit, and going pee every 5 minutes keeps me busy

    can you read or watch a movie or go to bed early? anything???? grrrrrrr
  • Ok. So I didnt give in. I went to sleep. Because I was sitting her at the computer and I was thinking about what I could eat. Then I started getting really irritated that I couldnt eat. So I decided to go lay in bed and watch tv, which wasnt the best thing because that is usually when I have a snack. So it just intensified the cravings. So I decided to go to sleep. But the thing is that I made it. I didnt give in. This week has shown me how strong I truely am. I am so proud of myself. I made it through the first week..... YAY!!!!!!!!
  • Ugh me too... I was just so unsatisfied after lunch that I decided to just take a nap. I woke up 2 hours later not hungry at all.
  • congratulations on your victory, dek 6! I am totally the same when I PMS and it is SO hard. More often than not I don't succeed in reigning myself in, so I have to say my hat's off to you!
    Oh, and one thing I have found to work sometimes is eating a baked sweet potato. I don't know why--maybe it's the combination of sweetness with substance?