November~What's For Dinner Tonight?

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  • Grilled crab legs, salad, green beans, sliced tomatoes. YUM!

    (I agree with robin, too... I think you'd be better off to go a little over on calories and eat a healthy dinner than to go hungry on a pear and water. The sugars from the pear get used up very quickly and while they do have a little fiber there is no protein for the long haul. This weight loss thing is a marathon...a lifelong need to get in a hurry!)
  • Quote: Well of course you're starving. Who wouldn't be with eating just a pear and water for dinner? In order for any of us to succeed at weight loss, we've got to EAT. Eating too little is a recipe for disaster, IMO. If for nothing else, it leads to binging and overeating later in the day. I eat small, frequent meals throughout the day in order to keep from getting hungry. I HATE that hungry feeling. If I was hungry all the time, I would NEVER, EVER stick to my plan and if I don't stick with my plan, well then how would I ever have lost 165 lbs? And then of course there's the fact that our bodies NEED fuel, nutrients, vitamins, minerals, CALORIES/ENERGY in order to function properly.
    Sorry, I didn't mean to preach here, well maybe I did just a little tiny bit . But gosh, I want you to succeed AND be healthy.
    Preach on! I"m hear to learn about healthy eating and living. What happens many nights though is I get home about 5:30pm, I go to work out right away, get home about 6:30pm, shower and everything, then sit down for the night after 7pm. So, not only am I to tired to cook anything but it's also after 7pm and I know the later you eat at night the worse it is for weight loss ( or at least I heard ) I sopose it would still be better to eat at least a sandwhich with some fruit, I just wish it wasn't so late at night by the time I finally sit down.
  • BornToFly - Could you pack 1/2 a sandwich on some whole grain bread with a serving of almonds and a pear and take it to work with you? Then you could eat it on your way to the gym. You'd have fruit, protein, and fiber...which would get you through your workout AND through the rest of the night!
  • How about making a smoothie? Smoothies are good. Also, I tend to make lots of food a couple times per week and then eat leftovers. Or you could make yourself something in the morning that you can grab before your workout? Or grab as soon as you get home?

    I also disagree that eating late is bad for weight loss. If you haven't had dinner, you need your dinner. If you had your dinner and then you dip into oreos then that would be bad for weight loss. I tend to have dinner late. Last night, dinner was at 8:30. Sometimes dinner is at 7:30 or sometimes it is as late at 9.
  • **RockinRobin, I am glad you said something about the pear and water. I hate to think anybody feels they need to starve just to lose***

    Tonight will be a grilled chicken sandwich and a baked potato from Wendys with their low fat sour cream.

    since I have a baby shower cake to work on tonight.
  • I am having a baked potato and roasted cauliflower , I am trying to think what to put on the baked potato, any suggestions?
    I am out of hummus, which I usually put, and don't want to put butter, I do have ff sour cream, but hate the taste.. help??
  • Kitty,

    Beans? Salsa? Various spices?

    I generally eat baked potatoes plain with a little cracked pepper. Have you ever tried a 3 hour baked potato? It is really good
  • Shy,

    I think that is where the "no eating late" thing came in for certain people that munch at night rather than people that are eating their meals at night. So if you eat your dinner, come within your calorie range and then start eating unplanned things at night (going over calories), then obviously that will hurt your weight loss. I was never a night eater and in fact, I hate hate hate eating before bed so if I'm hungry and it is near my bed time, I will go to bed rather than eat.

    So yes, its calories in vs calories out but for some people eating late at night means eating more calories.
  • Quote: I am having a baked potato and roasted cauliflower , I am trying to think what to put on the baked potato, any suggestions?
    I am out of hummus, which I usually put, and don't want to put butter, I do have ff sour cream, but hate the taste.. help??
  • Cheryl - I like putting a laughing cow wedge on my baked potatoes. Or, sauteed spinach and garlic.
  • Dinner tonight is buffalo chicken twice-baked potatoes and a salad with ff dressing
  • Mug... a serving of Wendy's chili on the potato is really good too.... or vegetarian chili if you don't eat meat. Salsa is good too... with some fresh cilantro.
  • Hi BorntoFly. I'm in total agreement. As long as you stay within a certain calorie allotment over a 24 hour period, it doesn't matter when you eat those calories. I just started a new job and certain nights I don't get home til just before 9:00 and yup, I come home and eat dinner.

    It is food that I always prepare ahead of time, so it's just ready to heat up. Or it's a salad that's already cut up. If I had to start thinking about what I am eating at that hour and didn't have anything ready, chances are I would eat something that I shouldn't. It's really vital to prepare ahead of time.
  • Quote: Hi BorntoFly. I'm in total agreement. As long as you stay within a certain calorie allotment over a 24 hour period, it doesn't matter when you eat those calories. I just started a new job and certain nights I don't get home til just before 9:00 and yup, I come home and eat dinner.

    It is food that I always prepare ahead of time, so it's just ready to heat up. Or it's a salad that's already cut up. If I had to start thinking about what I am eating at that hour and didn't have anything ready, chances are I would eat something that I shouldn't. It's really vital to prepare ahead of time.
    Thanks everyone. I can already tell that this will be a great place to get loads of information on weight loss. Tonight, I had a pear and now I am cooking some squash soup.
  • I had a bowl of Progresso Zero Point soup (southwestern style) with a few tortilla chips crumbled in, an ounce of shredded cheddar on top and a spoonful of light sour cream.

    TWENTY SIX pounds gone!
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