November~The ONE reason I'm staying on plan today is:

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  • Denial, we've been following that story as well and it's been heartbreaking. Huge sympathies on the loss of your friend.

    I'm staying on plan today because Monday doesn't stand for "go off plan and eat everything in sight just because it's going to be a bad day".
  • I am staying on plan because nothing taste as good as skinny feels !
  • I am on plan because the weekend is still a struggle for me, and I want to break this habit!!
  • I'm on plan today because I want to reach My Christmas Gift contest goal!!
  • I'm on plan because I'm wearing a really cute size L shirt and some cute jeans and I feel great. It's just SO MUCH EASIER to walk into my closet in the morning and walk out wearing something I know looks good...because I no longer keep things that don't allow me to look my best. Even on days like today when I'm just super casual but also super comfortable. I don't want to go back to the days where nothing was comfortable unless it was cotton jersey and elastic waist. I don't want to go back to when jeans hurt my waist. I don't want to go back to any of it. So, I'm on plan!
  • I'm staying on plan today because I deserve this!
  • I'm staying on plan today because I'm nearly back to ticker weight and I want to get there ASAP.
  • Because I had a gain this week because of TOM...and I am determined to get the scale moving in the right direction this week.

  • Because it hasn't killed me so far, and I don't think it's going to.
  • Because I stayed on plan and finally I see a 2lb drop and I am 250!!!!!! And I am SO EXCITED!
  • I'm staying on plan today because I made it to 50 lbs. lost and now I need to reach my mini-goal.
  • I am staying on plan because BattleAx has inspired me!!!
  • My one reason is because I feel so much better when I eat healthier. I feel clearer in my head, I have more energy, I sleep better, and Im not as moody and irritable.
  • I'm staying on plan today because I weight myself this morning and found myself to be 2 pounds lighter than before. Every little bit counts. I didn't get here in one day and I'm not going to get there in one day. So, if each day is on plan, then each day from here on out there will be less of me to inhabit the chair I sit in as I type.
  • because i was 4 lbs up on the scale today due to TOM, and mostly over-eating over the weekend. I don't want to have to move my ticker up, so i'm going to be as good as i can be these next few days