
  • Hello, Im new to this website! I was wondering if anyone else was dealing with trying to lose weight while having PCOS. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom....I know its difficult to lose weight with the condition, but I think it can still be done. Can anyone relate? Thanks!!

  • I was diagnosed with PCOS in April 2006. Since then I've lost 124 pounds. So yes it is entirely possible. You just need to find a plan that works for you. For me it is low sugar, low fat, and low calorie. You should talk to a nutritionist that will help you (in at least determining an initial plan of attack), espically if your doctor can recommend one that has experience working with PCOS patients. Good luck.
  • good luck! i know it is possible but many with pcos find a diet with a low Glycemic index works best because insulin reacts with the hormones which lead to PCOS. i dont know the exact science but i bet you could google it! gl!
  • It is possible - but it will probably be a little bit slower (that has definitely been my experience). There is a pcos section - take a peak there for more discussion & info. Good luck!
  • Yep, I have as well.
    So yes it is entirely possible. You just need to find a plan that works for you.
    - I agree completely. I followed my own plan and exercised, and the weight honestly just came off, I was also in a mind-frame of losing weight, the combination was perfect.

    I've wondered about PCOS... it seems like such an ambiguous condition, it can mean different results and different needs for everyone. Losing weight can be done for sure, my suggestion is to find what works for you and try that. And if you are starting on your weight loss process/journey, remember it doesn't have to be perfect or all figured out when you begin, just as long as you start... you can always tweak along the way Good luck and welcome!!
  • I've Had it W/ PCOS! (long)
    Hi All,

    It is so comforting to see other members here that have PCOS. Its true that losing weight is hard enough but even harder when you have PCOS- at least that is what I've read and see with myself. I have to ask, sort of like a chicken/egg question: Which came first? PCOS or the weight gain? I wonder if it is different for everyone.

    I've always been considered "the chubby girl with a pretty face". I've been "dieting" since 2nd grade but I was always just slightly over weight. It wasn't until I hit 20 that the pounds really packed on. So I have to wonder if I had PCOS all along and that's what caused so much weight gain that I am now classified as obese or did the PCOS happen because I gained so much.

    Well, that "pretty face" is there somewhere, but its hard to find especially since I've developed so much facial hair, especially under my chin and neck area, like a beard. Yesterday, I had my 4th Laser Hair Removal session and if you haven't gone through it- OMG! It is progressively intense and painful. The worst part about it, I am not 100% happy with the results yet.

    On the way home I became very emotional after my session. It hurt pretty bad. I cried all the way home because a) I am probably going to get my period soon (I'm on the pill to regulate it), and b) I am just so frustrated with PCOS. No one else in my family has it. No one else is this hairy in my family. I feel like a monster. My boyfriend is very supportive and understanding, bless him, but I long for him to caress my face without feeling stubble. I often wonder how he can stand being with an emotionally volatile, overweight, insecure, jealous person who is hairy to boot.

    I got so mad at myself yesterday...I don't get it- its just food, we control what we put into our mouths. In theory, losing weight is simple: Eat more natural food, less junk, and move your body more. So why is it so hard to do- even if you are "being good" and eating healthy and exercising, but the weight still won't come off?

    I wonder if anyone out there has found that their PCOS symptoms like excess body and facial hair, rampant emotions, and infertility has been reduced by losing weight. I am tired of this syndrome or disease or whatever you want to call it. I guess yesterday things finally clicked in my brain- lose the weight if you don't want to go through unnecessary pain, stress, suffering. So..sorry this post is so long...I really hope other gals with PCOS out there are succeeding in this lifestyle change..the quest for better health. I don't even care if I'm ever thin enough for a bikini...I just want to be normal.

  • Wow
    Thanks for the post ladies, it's really great to know there are others out there!!! Thanks for the advice also! I've gone to a nutritionist this last week w/ a food diary in hand! She had me highlight all the healthy things i ate. After not highlighting too much I really realized how much CRAP I am eatting. Given im just starting this, Im trying to be more aware of what I eat. I know i can lose weight even with my PCOS. As to the other post on here, I completely know how you feel. After I began learning more about PCOS, I know that my weight gain came from the condition. I was never really skinny per se, but I was never this heavy either (259) I think the most i weighed was 225 and I thought i was HUGE....now i would love to be down to that number, or smaller. I dont have the facial hair, however I do have friends who do and I feel for them! I can only imagine its hard! Good luck to the rest of you ladies and I'll deff check out that group!!
  • LilxLuckyStar - I'm sorry you are having such a rough go of it. I have found that for me losing some weight has definitely helped with some of my symptoms. I don't have a lot of excess hair but the hair I do have is less. My periods seem to be starting to regulate (although I'm still not ovulating on my own).

    Are you seeking out medical help to deal with your symptoms? For me to lose weight I first had to get my depression under control. Then my doc started me on metformin (I'm ttc so bcp are not for me). The combination of meds means that I don't have the crazy carb cravings & moods are more stable so eating healthy & working out regularly is easier.

    Keep plugging away at it - I know it is frustrating & at times devastating but it is going to ultimately be ok.