Changing my thinking

  • It's just gone 10am on Sunday morning here and so far today I've:

    * done 2 loads of washing and the third is just finishing up
    * walked to the pool, swam for an hour and walked home again. (Well, OK, it was 45 minutes swimming and 15 minutes in the spa, but still...)
    * am partway through planning my meals for the week.

    Later on today I intend to:
    * walk to my sister's for lunch.

    Normally on a Sunday, I have quite a lazy day. OK, I'd go for a walk, but it would usually only be about half an hour or so. I looked around at my neighbour's when I was walking up the drive and every single one of them still had their curtains drawn.

    I wondered for a few minutes whether I was a freak then realised I wasn't. There were people at the pool - I wouldn't say there was a lot of people there, but certainly more than I expected to see. On the way home I passed a young woman carrying a water bottle, towel and an exercise mat, so she's obviously going to exercise somewhere.

    I've completely changed my thinking this week. Before I would start out with good intentions in the morning and probably a 1/3 of the time at least I wouldn't go to the gym. In recent weeks, that's been more like 90% of the time, but never mind. I met my neighbour last night when I was going for a walk and he told me I was "dedicated". Yes. Yes I am.

    I'm dedicated to making myself a thinner, fitter and therefore healthier person. I no longer carry a handbag with me - my pack has my water bottle, gym gear, gym towel, towel and swimsuit in it at all times. I no longer have the excuse of not having my gear with me in order not to exercise.

    I have committed to exercising for 6 days a week - 4 gym sessions and 2 swim sessions - plus a minimum of 30 minutes of walking a day. I have committed to sticking on plan as much as I can. OK, I've got a birthday and Christmas coming up, so they're probably not going to be on plan, but that's OK. I can plan around that. I am going to be selfish - I am not doing this for anyone else but me!

    Yes, there is a reason for this. My dad got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes this week. No real surprise - my grandmother (his mother) has it, and although I'm fine at the moment, I've got a very high chance of being diagnosed with it as well. And if I don't lose weight and get fit, I'm going to be diagnosed with it at a much younger age that he has been. He's 61 years old. I'm nearly 34.

    It's all about me and my future. Not about what everyone else thinks.
  • That's an awesome attitude!!!! Sorry about the need for it, but great job!
  • What awesome changes & what a super attitude!!!!
  • What an amazing mindset to have!

    You can do anything you set your mind to, and you have every right to be selfish when it comes to your life, your body, you health, and your happiness.
  • Having the right mind set is so important and it sure sounds like you have that. Keep up the great work!

  • great going!!!
  • I'm so happy for you, Nicole! That's amazing that you've been so productive by 10 a.m.
  • Nicolen...

    Your attitude reminds me so much of the many women and men who have had success here! You are already writing your success story!

  • Nicole--I am SO happy for you!!!! You CAN do this!
  • Thanks I needed to read this post. I just dragged myself up out of bed and was feeling sorry for myself that I have to get ready to go to the gym. This is about being committed to the yourself and what is right. I'm going to have a really good workout this morning.
  • Great going -- now if you could please pass some of that commitment this way :-) I've got loads of intentions in need of conversion.
  • Nicolen, I loved reading your post -- you sound so committed to changing your life!

    My mother's Type 2 diabetes diagnosis in the summer of 2006 is what made me finally focus on getting the weight off. I was 34 at the time, and my mom was 64, so I had the same thoughts as you did -- that I was on the path to that same diagnosis. My mom is doing fine -- she changed her diet and lost weight after her diagnosis. She's gained some of it back and she goes back and forth, but she keeps her diabetes under control with her diet and with the help of her doctor. I wish the very best for your father and for you as you change your life -- I know you'll do just fine with that wonderful attitude you have!
  • That is awesome!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of you, and your renewed commitment to do the best for yourself - you deserve it!!!!