Total Gym

  • We ordered a Total Gym 2 years ago and it's sitting in the corner collecting dust. *sigh* I kept saying I was going to get it out and start working on it again. It's pretty simple and easy to use... and you WILL feel it the next day!! lol Now that I'm down a few pounds, I have the desire and will to get back on it!!!

    I also do indoor walking..... they are pretty simple DVD's (Walk away the pounds) to follow too. However, I put my Ipod on and do the workout and after 20 minutes or so, my daughter (age 8) will come in there and give me a weird look and look at the TV. lol I'm usually talking to Leslie (the DVD instructor) asking her if she's trying to kill me... or things like... omgosh lady, I'm about to die here, lighten up. My daughter thought I was crazy until she started walking with me.

    What do you do to exercise??
  • To Answer Your Question I Do Alot Of Different Things For Exercise Like Walk On The Treadmil, Walk The Bridges/downtown Area On Weekends. We Own A Bowflex, Eliptical Machine And A Slew Of Workout Videos And I Do Those As Well. Good Luck On Getting Back On Your Total Gym
  • I get on the elliptical for 10+ miles, do some reps on my biceps and triceps, 30 squats, 30 leg lifts, 30 abductors, 50-60 crunches with knees towards my chest holding a 10lb weight then i do 25 -30 of those crisscross sit up things. I do this 5-7 days a week. It sounds like I should be ripped but I'm not.
  • Phyllis, do you do the same exercises each day, or do you mix it up? I had a similar routine and didn't get any real results until I started separating my exercises by body part. Now, I try to work out seven days a week still, but on a three day rotation. On day 1, I work my arms/chest/upper back, and do swimming as my cardio. Day 2, I work my abs/lower back, and do the elliptical for cardio. Day 3, I work my legs/butt, and run either outside or on the treadmill. I've read a lot about your muscles really only developing when they're resting (not when they're working), and I've noticed much more drastic changes since I switched to this program rather than everything every day.

    Have to say I'm impressed that you do 10 miles on the elliptical though; I usually only do 3-5, depending on how high I set the resistance level and how long I work out (30-60 mins).