Maintainers Chat - October 15 - 21

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  • Hi Susan,

    Cholesterol? They have awesome pills for that as far as I know...statines (?)

    bye, rabbit
  • Baff, I've decided that your new avatar is a psychological test. And I'm flunking. All I see is a nose.
  • Sure Gary, blame it on me!!!

    Just checking in today. It's been a weird weekend. Friday night's celebration of life was a great night, but I didn't eat enough to go with the wine and my head was a-thumpin' the next morning and there was no way I could tolerate my run. DH and FIL went golfing and MIL, DS and I spent the day shopping and running around. By the time DH came home, all I could muster the strength to do was pick up the phone and call Domino's. At least my weight didn't go up!

    I was so beat last night I went to bed at 8:15 and slept until 8 this morning! DH's knee was bothering him (I think I may be losing my running buddy) so we didn't do our traditional Sunday walk. At least I feel well rested and I got all my Sunday chores done. The in-laws will be here for dinner tonight.

    DD took her solo trip to Long Beach Friday night and didn't listen to her friend's directions very well and ended up on the 405 at 5 PM rush hour (Gary, I'm sure you know what that is like). The mistake cost her an additional 2 hours in the car, poor baby. She's on her way home now and at least she had the sense to call me for directions home.
  • Quote:
    Somehow ... when we weren't looking ... we got to be middle aged and have some of the inherent difficulties.
    Oh Susan, that made me laugh. Isn't that the truth? Happened to me and my dh as well.

    I hope when you find out what they are trying to communicate it's nothing that can't be treated

  • Oh my goodness... I'm sitting here stuffed to the gills with unhealthy food. I won't even TELL you what all I've eaten today because it would be like food porn. I don't know, it's like I had to get it out of my system or something. I don't even feel that bad about it, though I probably will when I see the scale in the morning. I'm one of those people who can gain three pounds with one big meal (I'm totally not exaggerating about that), so I imagine it will be rough tomorrow. I'll probably whine about it to you guys even though I know it's totally my fault.

    But...I'm back home now, so it's ON. Back to reality, back to normal life, back to a HEALTHY life.
  • Susan, Mel, middle age snuck up on DH and me as well, along with all the little, ever so lovely - ummm, side effects, shall we say.

    Susan -
  • I made it to my MIL's b-day party this evening. There was lots of food, but I stuck 100% on my plan. When everyone else started taunting me on how great the cake and ice cream was, I ignored them. For a fleeting second, I felt a little deprived, but I remembered how hard I'm working to get back to goal and it helped keep me in line. I distinctly remembered seeing on here where someone had mentioned turning down this type of junk doesn't mean we're depriving ourselves, we're just choosing healthier options. So, thanks to whoever posted that the other day. That really came in handy.

    OMG< on my way home tonite, I hit a deer going 65 miles an hr. I saw it dart out from a pasture and literally locked up my brakes to try to stop, but couldn't get stopped in time. I'm so very thankful that it didn't come through the windshield. It hit dead center on the front hood and then flew over the top of my car. Me, Lacy , Shane and Shelbey were all screaming. I called 911 and they told me I did'nt need a police report to "just call your insurance company in the morning. Thank god no one was hurt. It was great that several cars did stop to see if we were all OK. After my brakes and tires finally quit smoking we drove on safely home. I know I need a new hood and a new front grille. Unfortunately the deer did not survive. This was my first time in my life that I have ever hit any kind of animal and I felt terrible about it.