I climbed a mountain yesterday!

  • So... I finally got to go hiking! My friend and I drove a bit north to a state forest. We stopped at the 'headquarters' and asked a rather nice man where to locate the beginning of some trails, he asked what kind of trail we were looking for and we said the best! He sent us traveling about 7 miles further up the road and told us where the enterance to Watatic trail.... which goes up a mountain. We cleared it to the top in just over an hour...what a workout! I have to admit I took some comfort in the fact that my friend....a bird built size 6 tops was huffing as much as me if not more...and truthfully needed to stop more than me...some of our mini breaks I knew I could have kept going. Today I'm feeling great...my muscles are a bit tight but that is to be expected...no machine at the gym can really create the intensity of real hiking. It was a beautiful fall New England day, just about 80* and sunny. The leaves are starting to change and I can't wait to go back again! Anyway I've been whining about wanting to go so much I thought I'd share some pics with you guys of the trail so you can all see how pretty it was!

    I tell you, when I got up yesterday to go find some nice trails I didn't think I'd be hiking a mountain but now that I did I've been reminded how good it feels to get to the top of something...that the uphill battle that I so often feel like I'm fighting is so worth it. It's a great view from the top

  • That's awesome, Sunshine!!!! Thanks for sharing the pics. It looks beautiful!
  • Nice pics - and on the hike!
  • Congratulations! And, thanks for the pictures. That area is absolutely beautiful. I've never been hiking, but you make me consider it.
  • Awesome pics! Makes me miss this time of year up north!

    And congrats on getting up the mountain!!