61 pounds!

  • I'm sooooo excited here! **My overall weight loss goal is 168 pounds.**

    I went on the scale the other day and hit my 60-pound weight loss goal (plus one more pound!). 61 pounds gone, 107 left to go!

    I'm also thrilled that I have 8 pounds left to lose and I will finally have less than 100 pounds to lose!

    I also will have a 3rd goal coming up somewhat soon... I officially have less than 40 pounds to lose before I lose 100 pounds total!

    I usually just surf the forum to find inspiring or interesting links, but I was just so excited today, I had to post my efforts (so far) onto the "mini-goal" section of 3fatchicks!

    Many thanks to all those who continue to talk about their struggles & success here!
  • That's fantastic -- Congratulations!
  • You did so fabulously!!! I have every confidence in you making it to your end goal!!! You've been inspiring to me through all of my plateaus, and I can't wait till we have a kick-a** birthday! Now there's an experience...go shopping in another place that's known for it's ultra trendy skinny clothes!
  • Congratulations on your weight loss you have done fantastic keep up the good work.
  • That is such wonderful progress! Way to go!
  • AWESOME!!!! Wow! Way to go!!!!! You deserve to be proud!