October chick chat

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  • ooh eck whats up? nobody's posted for FIVE DAYS well, I am absolutely cream crackered I really like my job but i'm going to have to pack it in because i'm not a morning person and feel like death the rest of the day after getting up at that time sent off my resume this afternoon for three other jobs so i'll see what happens i'm not really bothered what I do a jobs a job as far as i'm concerned just settling down for corrie we've finally got up to the part where Tracy bumped off Charlie i'm sad hehe.
  • I'm still here, but dashing around between work (just been promoted!), St Annes (grandmother's health news not great - she's feeling fine at the moment but they're not execting things to stay that way for long), running club and in between trying to take in the fact that I'm meant to be running two marathons in the next two and a half weeks. I'm reading more than posting these days...
  • I'm here - been unwell and dealing with a new puppy!
  • I'm just back from a gig in Liverpool... I'm tired now. I had breakfast in McDonalds! I never ever go in there thankfully it was a food court so I wasn't actually in one.
  • I'm here too, my grandad died the other week which is probably why i'm a bit quiet.
  • Awwww sorry to hear that sarahgrace

    Congrats on the promotion Helen

    Veggie STAY OUT OF McD's

    Hope you feel better soon KB

    Had a lazy day today did some laundry, had a bubble bath then watched a movie this afternoon just making dinner then i'll have a couple more beers TGIF (tomorrow) i'm ready for the weekend.
    Diet and exercise is none existant can't get motivated hopefully i'll find a job with better hours then I might feel more like doing something I hope so
  • Hello
  • Quote: Hello
    Well hello there friend.
  • I'm up v late 2am.

    Sorry to hear that Sarahgrace.
  • Hello, I'm back from the land of cheese and clogs, Frus is still there recovering from the marathon. I'm also recovering and trying to get my head round why I agreed to run another one so soon after - New York is next weekend
  • Hello Let's see if I can get this post in, apart from the hello...the site was giving me gip yesterday

    Sorry to hear about your Grandad SG it's hard losing a loved one. Try not to let it undo you're hard work though, he wouldn't want that, just keep popping in any time you need a hug

    Well done on the cloggie run Helen and Jen... Helen, can't believe you'll be in NY next week, wishI could arrange to get down there but life's a bit hectic at the mo, plus I have to work.

    Cathy, any news on a different job luv? Get back on your while you think about it, or the remember how you use to put the keyboard on the handlebars and come into the site while you exercised?

    Hi CG... chat later?

    Veggie, how are you feeling luvey? And why were you up at two in the morning?

    Well it's blustery and cloudy out, but I'm going to poopascoop and mow the grass before it rains..ooooh, there's a message on my phone...how exciting... I hope this whole things posts this time...here goes....
  • It's probably my message
  • Thank-you. Should be ok on the weight front, well will find tomorrow at ww. He was pleased I was lsoing weight.
  • Well, you might have thought it was quiet but I am BACK!!!!

    Yes I have started in my new job and to my delight I was able to get right into the forum withought having to change my password or anything. At 1 pm today myself and two other newbies will be attending a lunch in our honour. Yay!

    Yesterday I attended an all day course on minute taking whcih was actually very good. I remember we had had to put the clocks back but still turned up at 8.30 instead of 9.30 (must have been eager!!).

    Sorry not to find out about what you have all been up to but I am trying to be discreet here and don't have the time yet to check back through the posts I have missed. Plus I share an office so it won't look good if I keep surfing now will it???

    Anyway it is good to be back and hi to you all!!!!
  • Welcome back Peacock, far to quiet in here for my liking... glad you're liking the new job so far, enjoy the lunch in your honour

    I've started another six week programme at work, so hopefully I'll shift a bit more lard again, I'll keep you updated.

    Just had my brekky, turkey bacon and pretend eggs.. tasty..now time to get some housework done, go and work out and think what on earth I'm wearing tomorrow at work as we HAVE to dress up for Halloween...