I don't know how I've done it, but...

  • I've gone from 228 to 226 now!!! Is that possible in a whole day?
  • Hey ZoeJayne,

    Yes, it's possible, but it may not be mostly fat loss unless you did a huge amount of exercise yesterday!

    The body's weight goes up and down a lot, even during a single day. Mine will change 3 pounds sometimes from morning to afternoon. Usually this is a result of water retention, or eating, or who knows? But, the important thing is that the scale goes back down again.

    I'd say, be happy with that 2 pound difference--but don't let yourself get down if the scale is up again tomorrow. Lots of folks only record their weight once a week so that they don't get thrown around by those daily changes.

    Just stick with a good food plan--you'll keep dropping!

  • It's really hard to look at weight on a day to day basis. We tend to fluctuate so much, just with every day stuff. I weigh myself every single day, but only "count" and record it on Mondays.

    So yes, it is VERY possible. Just don't count on it happening very often. And don't be upset if it goes up a pound tomorrow. Or 2. I very often have 2 lbs swings either way during any given week. That's why I only "count" it once a week.

    Stay with a healthy eating plan and exercise routine - and the weight WILL come off. Good luck.
  • Yeah ditto what robin said. The most disappointing thing sometimes is to recognize your lbs as "lost completely" and then be very upset later when they "come back". Realistically weight fluctuations occurs within a month in a cycle or perhaps weeks with respect to the menstrual cycle, or even within a day (morning and night). You should be very consistent in weighing yourself from the time you choose to weigh in to the location of your scale.
  • Yeah, double ditto on both of those comments. WW actually says to only weigh once a week in the information I have but I still can't resist the daily weigh-in. Still, like others, I only record it once a week, on the same day every week.
  • thanks for all the help i think im going to avoid the scales and just weigh myself every monday!! avoid dissapointment then wont it