Still OP and down again

  • down to 295 now! 27lbs down! woohoo, i had a wedding on sat and stayed op no beer no bad food only chicken and cheese and iced water. 280 is the next target.
  • WTG slimming!!! Awesome job staying op during the wedding...that couldnt have been easy. Great job!!
  • i just updated my spreadsheet and as i tend to do, decided to put in an extra row for BMI, i personally don't pay much attention to bmi as i'm rather stocky and always rate much higher than my body fat shows. but since the 30th of August i've been on the atkins plan induction(ish) and i've dropped my BMI by 3 whole points
  • that's fantastic! i have a hard time with BMI too because i used to be an athlete, and I still have what I call "excess muscle mass" (i know people yell at me for calling it that because muscle is supposedly good) that caused my BMI to be super duper high.

    I applaud you for resisting the wedding cake, I LOVE cake and wedding cake is SAID to be among the best