PMD #78 - Prevention Millennium Diet

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  • Prevention Millennium Diet*

    Daily servings
    veg and fruits, 9 servings ( 5 veg/4 fruit)
    whole grains, 3-6 servings
    high-calcium, 2-3 servings

    Weekly servings:
    Beans - 5+
    Nuts - 5
    Fish - 2

    Serving Sizes

    veg. & fruit
    1 serving = 1/2 c. chopped fruit
    1/2 c. cooked or raw veg.
    1 c. raw green leaves
    3/4 c. veg or fruit juice

    Whole Grains
    1 serving = 1 slice whole wheat bread
    1/2 rice or bulgar
    1/2 c whole wheat pasta

    Calcium 1 serving = 1 c ff or 1% milk
    1 c ff yogurt
    1 c calcium fortified O.J.
    1 oz. reduced ff cheese

    100% DV multivitamin/mineral
    500 (under 50) to 1000 (over 50) mg. calcium
    100-400 IU Vit. E
    100-500 mg Vit. C

    Keep calories to 1500 a day - 250 cal. per meal. Eat 6 small meals a day. Do not exceed 42 fat grams per day.

    Drink 8 glasses water and 1+ cup of tea daily.

    * Copied from the Jan. 2000 issue of Prevention Magazine.

    This is not necessarily a vegetarian diet. The guidelines summarized above are just that. In interpreting the
  • Hi,
    judi~I'm sorry you will not be going with your DH to Ca. How long will he be away? Give him a list of the things you want him to bring back! Sometimes going to bed early will help to avoid the late night munchies. DH & I really enjoy a cup of coffee in the early evening and we usually have a snack along with it, only if we are hungry. I usually make sugar-free/fat-free instant pudding or we have a small bowl of ice cream. My munchies always hit me by mid afternoon. Sometimes I get on the computer and play Solitaire until it is time to start cooking dinner. Whenever I have the salsa in my oatmeal, my breakfast stays with me all morning. It is very filling.

    ledom~Have a great time on you kayak trip. Hope you will stay warm. Have you exercised at all? I went into Richard Simmons' site. He has an aerobic exercise video that you sit in a chair to do. I'm thinking of purchasing it to have on hand when my plantar fasciitis (sp?) flares up and/or if my leg flares up again.

    I have been hightlighting my hair for about 10 yrs. When I was very little my hair was the color of butter. As I got older it darkened. My natural color is a brown with a smidgen of gray mixed in. Now that I'm used to the highlights I really dislike my natural color. I try to highlight every 6 months.

    Hello shebacat~I hope that all is well with you.

    Enjoy your day! Alice
  • Good morning
    Alice, yes I plan to send along a "bring back" grocery list. One of the things that I really want are the "Morningstar Grillers", I had the Boca ones yesterday and didn't like them as much.

    Your highlights sound smashing

    DH will be gone about a week and a half. I guess I will make that a "what about me time??" time. I will focus on my diet, start doing some exercise, go get a pedicure, my legs waxed and that sort of girl stuff. Plus I will read, I have ordered a lot of books that I haven't got to and have just put them in with all the other books on the shelves.

    How is Lacee's allergy?

    Have a good time kayaking Ledom.

    Morning Shebacat!
  • Goodmorning,
    It's good to be back up this a.m. 3fc.

    judi, did you get your Bob Greene book yet? He was on one of the morning t.v. shows and it sounds like a good book for us to read. Let us know what you think. In the segment he said you can't lose weight if you aren't hydrated, I need to remember that water.

    Yesterday was a better day for me. Eating under better, not perfect, control and I hiked. I have had exercise the last 3 days so I must keep up my streak for another day today as well as tomorrow. Sun. will be another kayak outing and that is an easy exercise day to commit to. Then I can have a rest day!

    Alice, how are you? Shebacat? Hope you all have a good Friday.
  • Good morning ledom, judi, & shebacat,
    Yesterday it felt rather balmy, it was in the mid to high 40's. It's back into the 30's today, but it is still warmer than what it should be. I went grocery shopping yesterday and I saw people who should know better, wearing shorts! BRRR!!!!

    I made another batch of the salsa. This time I used Granny Smith Apples and half the amount of Amaretto. We had some on our oatmeal and it was quite tasty. I tried using only 1/8 of a cup on the oatmeal instead of 1/4 cup to get the calories down a bit, and it worked out well.

    I tried to post yesterday but when I got to the thread all the previous posts were missing I'm happy that everything is back to normal today.

    judi~I would also be interested in what Bob Greene has to say. I saw this magazine article about Jorge Cruise's book, 8 Minutes in the Morning. He gives you a series of different strength training exercises that you do 6 days a week. There is a different set of 2 that you do in the mornings. His philosophy is by building muscle you will lose weight quicker. 8 minutes in the morning is doable.
    Lacee's allergy has cleared up very nicely. But, she will still be on antibiotics for awhile yet.

    ledom~That's great you are getting into exercising again. I think that's what is holding back some of my weight loss. Hopefully Mon. I will be able to do a walk aerobics tape. Have a good time on you kayak trip. I envy you being able to go kayaking during the winter. I suppose I can put a sail and blades on my canoe and skim across the ice

    Hi Shebacat!!

    Enjoy your day!!!
  • Good Morning!
    Alice, I am glad to hear Lacee's allergy cleared up, poor little thing. What are you going to do with her toys? Can she get them back or no? I know if I even took one of Marley's gazillion toys and put it away he would notice it immediately and pester me until I gave it back to him. He knows every one of them and where he placed them, it looks random but it isn't. He has a method in his madness.

    Wow! What a lot of exercise Ledom, I know, I know I have to START in that area too.

    Yesterday I had a very stressful day but had banked about nine points and when I felt I just had to EAT (which was FF popcorn and 1/4 cup of raisins and 1 oz. of wine) I fortuantely had some points left to work with. I have been ok on the food program. It takes a lot of time though.

    Alice, you mention you play solataire on the computer while you are waiting for dinner. I usually read all the posts then on two diet sites and try to keep myself focused otherwise I would be in the kitchen noshing while dinner was cooking. I think though I shouldn't let myself get so hungry before dinner...yesterday I ate my salad even before the DH came home.

    My hubby is gone to Ca. sniff.. Well, next month (Lord willing) we are going to Ca. for a week and then holiday in New Mexico for two weeks.

    Ledom, I cleaned out my entire darkroom. I have to buy some new photochemicals though, I am getting it ready for action.

    I found out the image I bought in Dec. was digitally manipulated, I should not be such a photo snob but once I know that, it spoils it for me. Prints have to be silver gelatin or it just doesn't seem the same, though I know lots of people feel differently. So now I am looking at my picture with kind of a jaundiced eye. (A friend of mine knows the person who made it, he is more of a computer whizz than photographer.)
  • tsk, tsk,
    judi, I just had to respond to your comments on photography because I feel the very same way. That gallery should have made it clear that computer manipulation was part of the photographers work. In education I am always confronted with electronic media and how much of it should be introduced into my courses. I usually have at least one rant a semester on why I think it is important to learn analog photography. I know I am considered old fashioned, and you know what? I'm proud of it. Even my photographer friends are moving away from the silver print and I am sure they have valid reasons. That doesn't mean that people should stop learning how to make photographs by hand. There is a great story about digital imaging regarding the Monica Lewsinsky photo when Clinton is leaning over her shaking hands with someone behind her, it appeared on the cover of Time. When that story broke the photographer who took that picture remembered her from that photo shoot. He went back through his negatives and found the image. The thing was, when he took that photo he was one of 100's of photographers taking pictures on that occasion, but he had the only film camera. Everyone else had deleted those images from their digital cameras. Not that that image is one that we couldn't have done without, but from an historical point of view I think we are going to lose a lot as a result of digital cameras and computer manipulation of photographs. OK, maybe I got my rant out of the way for spring semester right here and now .

    Way to go on getting your darkroom cleaned up. That is a great way to keep your hands busy when you're hungry.

    Shorts! In 40 degree weather? Those folks would be sunbathing down here in our 50 degree temps.!
  • I agree 103% Ledom!
    Absolutely, I heard that photographer tell that very thing on tv. A few people I have met play around with developing old glass negatives and pin hole cameras and I am GLAD they are still out there. My D and her BF make wonderful DVD discs, with graphics, sound and all with their digital camcorder, it also takes stills but neither of them would call themselves a "photographer", they are computer whiz kids and still repspect "photography" and the whole process of shooting, printing etc. Now that was my rant
  • Good Morning!
    How is everyone doing?

    The DH is gone to Ca. I stayed up until 3:00 am last night baking buns. (I only had one though after they were out of the oven.)

    We have actually had 2 days without rain. I can't wait until spring!!

    Yesterday I went to downtown Vancouver and walked and walked. I went into a new fat girl shop but didn't buy anything...I thought, nah...I am not going to be in this size much longer and I have lots of fat clothes.

    I hope you all have an enjoyable Saturday!
  • Hello!
    Having a great weekend. Went to the grocery store this morning and bought a lot of fresh produce so that we will have plenty of veggies and fresh fruit on hand.

    It is still not nearly as cold here as it can be. Usually about this time of year we can have temps -20 below. It's almost the middle of Jan. and the whole lake hasn't frozen over, just a few spots.

    judi, that was really positive thinking about not being the size you are much longer. Good, that will keep you motivated. I am sorry that you are so disappointed with your new print. I remember how excited you were when you bought it. I'm with you, they should have disclosed the fact that it was digitally enhanced. Lacee doesn't seem to mind the fact that her toys are gone. I don't dare to give them to her again. I feel so bad because she really loved them. Now what I do is buy the large sized dog bones for her. That way she has something to chase around and something to chew.

    ledom, I hope you had a great kayaking trip!

    Enjoy your weekend.
  • toys for Lacee
    Alice, maybe you can get Lacee plush toys (remember that wart hog that I bought Bentley for Christmas?). Bentley likes plush toys the best but Marley doesn't realize they are toys unless they are made of plastic. Bentley is going to dog "play school" twice a week now, the kids want him socialized. There is another Boston there but he has been playing with 2 pugs. Cute, eh?

    How is your leg?

    I did a big fresh veg. shop too. I am making up a few veg. salads that can keep in the fridge.

    I can't believe how fast the time is going by today, I am not getting anything done...
  • Hi ladies!
    Hi everyone,

    I've been doing ok...just pretty much working. I did go by and look at a couple of cats at a foster home. Two of them are just beautiful, however, they are pretty much feral cats. I'm not sure if I would have the time to work with them. I'm still thinking about it. Did anyone catch the Discovery Health program about the six people competing to change their lifestyle. They are all overweight, and the contest is 16 weeks long. It's not the amount of weight that they lose, but who's able to change their lifestyle to a healthier one. It's really interesting to see what they're going through since I know I can relate. Haven't done a lot yet....I'm really starting out at a snail's pace. I just can't believe that this time last year I was almost at goal weight. Sigh! Anyway, it's time to move on. Ledom, you would have loved kayaking in Monterrey since it was not really the ocean, but a small bay area. I need to finish taking the rest of the pictures so I can get them developed. Judi, way to go on the weight loss! I'm like you as far as clothes buying. I have a mindset that if I buy the larger clothes, then it's admitting to myself that I'm going to stay that size. Alice, hope your leg is feeling better. I saw the video tape you're talking about when he was on QVC. He really works your upper body. Of course, I just adore him. Well ladies, hope everyone has a good week, and talk to ya'll soon!
  • Hey,
    Shebacat, I saw the ad for that show but I missed it. When does it come on? It looked like my kind of show.

    Went shopping today and bought Get With the Program. I have already started it and there is much for me to consider so far.

    Tomorrow is the kayaking trip. It is windy tonight, I'm waiting up for a weather report right now.

    I have to brag on D! She got a scholarship that will pay her tuition and room and board next year and the next 4 years if she maintains her grade point. She's a smart girl.

    Work starts Monday.

    Hey, judi, have fun while DH is gone! I know you miss him, but do those things that it is hard to do while he is around. And think about glorious N.M. I bought the Santa Fean magazine this month. I have to buy it every 2 or 3 months for a little Santa Fe fix. Will you be going in your RV?

    I have a little trip planned with my gf's for the weekend after next. We are going to a mtn. cabin for a weekend of hiking and respite from jobs and family. It'll be fun and I can't wait.

    Alice, I would love to get a good snow. At least one, it hasn't snowed at all this year.
  • Good morning
    Ledom, tell your daughter "Way to Go!! " That is so amazing, you have every right to be proud of that girl!!

    Yes, we plan to go to NM in the RV.

    Shebacat, that program sounds so good. I would love to see something like that.

    I am still waiting for my Bob Green book to arrive from, maybe it will be here this week.

    I stayed up last night and made ameretti, little cookies made out of egg whites and almonds, with no fat. I figured them out to be about 2 points each. Not bad.

    We are still having a break in the usual rain, so I might take Marley out for a walk, we two couch potatoes need something like that.

    Morning Alice!
  • Its snowing!
    It's been snowing all morning. I've had to go out and shovel once for Lacee while DH was plowing. It has let up some and they have said it should end by late this afternoon.

    ledom~Congratulations to your D. You must be so proud of her. Your trip with your girlfriends sounds fantastic. Hope you had a good time on your kayaking trip.

    shebacat~That is the way to change things, one small step at a time. That TV Show sounds like my kind of show. When is it on? Have you decided on whether or not to get the kitties? You will make the right decision.

    judi~Are you enjoying your time alone? Sometimes it is nice just to think only of yourself for a change. Lacee did have some plush toys when she was a puppy. She loves to chew and within days she had them ripped open with all the stuffing coming out. But, you did give me a good idea to try a plush toy again now that she is older and hopefully doesn't like to chew as much. I would love to see Bentley playing with another Boston & Pugs. I think Pugs are so cute!! A cousin of mine had a male Pug and before we had Lacee fixed I jokingly suggested we should mate them just to see what we would get.

    Take care.