What Are You Eating Today? - Week of 9/24 - 30

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  • B: optimum power cereal with added blueberries and soymilk, banana, coffee w/ skim
    S: yogurt, apple or peach
    L: leftover rosemary/balsamic pork chop, roasted red and sweet potatoes w/ onion and olive oil, V8
    S: carrots & cauliflower w/ hummus
    S: granola bar of some sort
    D: ?? DH is cooking. Sure to have 0 vegetables!

  • Costco had tree ripened peaches!

    B~small bowl of peaches, raspberries and cantaloupe
    L~salad with chicken, parmesan and light Ceasar dressing
    S~1/2 peach with raspberries
    D~probably an omelet and cantaloupe with ww toast
  • Saturday:
    B/L - none, fasting for Yom Kippur, but I cheated since I was about to faint and had a glass of OJ and a glass of milk
    D - two bowls of cooking light beef stew w/egg noodles, glass of red wine
    S - tortilla chips, chocolate covered blueberries, one of those fancy imported Mozart chocolates

    B - multigrain cheerios w/skim milk
    L - drumstick and wing of rotisserie chicken (skin removed)
    S - two bites of bread
    D - poppyseed fruited coleslaw (cooking light, it's a vinaigrette instead of mayo), baked cornflake-coated catfish nuggets, sauteed beet greens w/walnuts
    S - glass of red wine, something I forgot already

    B - oat bran cold cereal w/blueberries and skim milk
    S - banana
    L - leftover catfish and slaw
    S - plum, apple
    D - (plan) sole w/lemon caper sauce, green beans, something else?
  • 9/24 continued:

    In addition to what I listed above, I had 2 hard candies at work, 2 Hershey's dark chocolate kisses, and a couple handfuls of microwave popcorn, all at work and unplanned.

    For dinner DH made:
    Spaghetti with marinara/meatless crumbles, which I shredded a touch of parmesan on. I also had 4 (yes, 4) Dove dark chocolates, and 93g (yes, I weighed it) of Dreyer's Double Churned (i.e. light) Almond Mocha Fudge Ice Cream.

    Came in at 2300 calories for the day. A little more than I was planning, but I was hungry.

    I'm grabbing a bottle of water and some crystal light, and the kitchen is closed for the night.

  • *slink slink slink*

    After a fabulous weekend of eating too much (really too hard to remember it all, but it was lots of junk), I tried to get back OP yesterday.

    B-light multigrain english muffin, 2 T lf cream cheese, 1 T sf jam, 1 c. skim milk, coffee w/ 1 T h&h
    S- small banana
    L - 2 slices whole wheat bread, homemade egg salad - 2 eggs, 1/2 T light mayo, 1 t mustard, celery; carrots & cucumber slices
    S - ff yogurt, apple, almonds
    and here's where it went downhill..."nibbles" (probably equating a whole piece) of homemade mocha cheesecake discovered in the fridge at work
    gym - lifting 50 minutes
    5:15 meeting
    D - large greens salad, 2 T Ken's lite Caesar dressing, 2 oz. bs chicken breast
    gym - powerwalking on the treadmill - 5 miles (guilt over the cheesecake, but apparently not enough guilt to make me RUN)
    D/S - homemade Pumpkin Protein bar, 1 cup skim milk - this should have been it for the day
    TV snack crap - ~ 3/4 cup fruit sorbet, entire bag of 94% ff popcorn, bites of pasta from my roommates' dinner that they offered to me, 1/2 cup fiber one...

    today (eaten):
    B - light multigrain english muffin, 2 T lf cream cheese, 1 T sf jam, 1 c. skim milk, coffee w/ 1 T h&h, 1/2 piece of the mocha cheesecake mentioned yesterday
    (not eaten):
    S- small banana
    L - 2 slices whole wheat bread, homemade egg salad - 2 eggs, 1/2 T light mayo, 1 t mustard, celery; carrots, cucumber slices, celery
    S - ff yogurt, apple, walnuts
    gym - lots of cardio, abs
    D - ?

    I know this is not a rant thread, but i am SO MAD AT MYSELF. I stayed OP for 3 1/2 weeks. I was trying to do it right, not cut calories too much b/c I get so hungry and binge if I cut too much, worked out hard, didn't drink any alcohol, and I had lost 3 1/2 pounds. And I binged anyway, all weekend, and all of the weight is back (this isn't water weight). And I am still eating crap today. Why can't I control myself? I started putting this extra above maintenance weight on last holiday season, and I can't control myself to get rid of it, and the holidays are coming again. Am I going to add another 10 lbs this year?

    So disappointed in myself. *hanging head, throwing hands in despair*

    *slinking away now*
  • I just told my roommate/co-worker that if I eat any more of that !@#$%^ cheesecake I'm going to give her $5. (Haven't had any since breakfast this morning, and I don't want to, either, even though of course I *want* to, y'know?)
  • Megan, I know how you feel. Every time I seem to be getting rid of last year's holiday weight, it comes back after a bad weekend or two (or three... or four...). You can do it though! So you had a bad weekend. You know how to eat right, you've done it before -- you did it to lose all that weight in the first place, for a lot longer than 3 weeks! I believe in you!

    My food yesterday amended:
    D - sole with caper sauce, salad w/light dressing, two slices garlic bread
    S - slice of bread w/tub margarine, glass of wine
    Exercise: 30 mins elliptical, back exercises

    B - oat bran w/blueberries & skim milk
    S - plum
    L - leftover catfish nuggets, leftover slaw
    S - banana. apple
    D - (plan) either broccoli mac & cheese or hash brown casserole (both cooking light), probably a salad or green beans
  • Oh yeah, I had one of the rectangular dove chocolates yesterday too.
  • Oh my! I can't bring myself to write it down, mostly because I lost track. Let's just say that I ate like an unsupervised 4 year old at a birthday party on Halloween.

    Ok, Megan, I'm now mad at myself too. I'm going to have to think about what to do differently tomorrow. At least the giant bin of tootsie rolls and caramels won't be unexpected. I was certainly not prepared today.

  • Hmm, I don't think I've done one of these posts recently, so here goes...

    B: 1/2 c. 1% cottage cheese, 1/2 banana, 15 grapes, coffee w/milk
    S: 9 baby carrots
    L: 1/2 c. imitation crab, 1/4 cucumber, 1 carrot, 5 grape tomatoes
    S: 9 baby carrots, 4 tbs. chipotle hummus, 1 scoop whey in water
    D: 4 oz. 95% lean beef patty (mixed w/onion, dash worcestershire, and egg white), 3 leaves lettuce, 3 plum tomatoes, 1/2 sweet potato, 2 mushrooms, 1.5 tsp. olive oil
    S: 1 oz. almonds, 15 grapes, 2 tbs. raisins, 3 strawberries

    This is a bit atypical in that it's lower in protein and higher in carbs than usual. (I avoid potatoes, but I love sweet potato "fries" with my burger. I figure it's a fair trade for skipping the bun, mayo, BBQ sauce, cheese, bacon, and all that other calorie-dense stuff I used to put on my burgs.)
  • Yesterday amended:
    D - broccoli mac & cheese casserole, 1.5-2 servings, glass of wine
    S - slice of garlic bread

    Today so far:
    B - oat bran, blueberries, milk
    S - banana
    L - beef stew (cooking light) w/no yolks noodles
    S - apple, ??? I brought a plum but when I bit into it it was gross
    D - ??
  • Everything....I am ravenous today. PMS? Boredom? Illness? Not sure what it is but I am freaking starving. I've made reasonable choices so far, but still starving.
  • Ennay, I am with you. Why am I so hungry today? I ate my afternoon snack (apple) immediately after lunch, then ended up getting peanut butter crackers from the vending machine for another snack, and it's not even 4:00 yet (I usually get hungry again at 4).
  • it's probably good though that on a day like this when I want to eat everything in sight, there is no free food in the office
  • Hmm, well today was not pretty by any stretch of the imagination, but here it is. Items that are starred are food that came from work (meeting food, mostly)

    B-optimum power cereal w/ added blueberries & soymilk
    B2 (after run)-banana, coffee w/ milk
    S- apple
    S- biscotti*
    L-hamburger w/ bun & ketchup, peach, ceasar salad*, bread w/ olive oil*, bite of pasta*, dk chocolate
    S- cookies* (3 med), ice cream sandwich*, 1 tootsie roll*
    D-hamburger helper (DH cooked), light ice cream

    About 1000 calories of unplanned work food, most of it junky. It was a stressful day and believe it or not, I did a lot better than yesterday. Working on tomorrow.
