October PCOS Weightloss & TTC Support

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  • lol..well thanks...peeps call me Betty cuz they say I look like the actress America Ferrera...and she's not ugly at all. we are cute. thanks again for the warm welcome. its appreciated.
  • Betty -- YW.
  • Hi ladies. I've posted in this forum before, but not recently.

    I'm a pcos-er. We're actually ttc#3 right now. Right now, I'm BFing and somehow cycling on my own - must be all the hormones from that! But, I've noticed that my cycles have gotten a bit wonky lately and my LPs are really short, so to the Dr I go next week. Since I'm still BFing, the only thing that I can take is Metformin, so I'm hoping that will do something and hoping it will also really kick start my weight loss again (of course, me buckling down might help too!).

    We have one living child, DD who is a little over 14 months.
  • Hello!

    I too have posted here before but not recently. We have been ttc for 6 years but I was only diagnosed in February because I was too scared to see the doctor about it as I was convinced I would just be told to lose weight & then come back. LOL - silly girl!

    Anyway, I waited 8 months to get in to see the specialist & finally had my appointment with her on Monday. It went so much better than I expected! Along with a bunch of req's for ultrasounds she has given me a prescription for clomid. Only 50mg - so we'll see how that goes. Unfortunately we are moving out of the country very soon so I am worried if the 50mg is not enough & I have to go through another month of testing to ensure the correct dose I may have to stay behind while my dh goes. It makes it MUCH harder to ttc when he's in another country - lmao!

    Anyway, good luck everyone.
  • Hello & Welcome Back, JennyLou and Lifeguard!

    Lifeguard I know exactly what you mean. I haven't been for over a year now and its all because of one "wicked" specialist I went too that was simply awful to me. A lady from work gave me the name & # of her dr. He is not a specialist, but she is now pregnant and she struggled to conceive and she said he is very nice, I just have not went yet. Glad your appt. went well.

  • Lifeguard - Will you be monitored while on the 50mg? If so, they may bump you up right away based upon that monitoring. My RE (from ttc#1) was ready to bump me up the second month since the first month my progesterone was only like 5.4. I ended up pregnant that cycle though (and had to use progesterone supps as a result of that low, low progesterone). Anyways, they can tell right away if you're being monitored, so that you don't have to start re-testing. Where are you guys moving?

    sassy - thanks for the welcome back.

    As for me had an appt this last week and have my prescription for Metformin. We'll start with that and see where we are come January. Hopefully pregnant! If not, we may begin progesterone supps b/c my LP is horrible! Like, I start spotting at 7dpo and by 9dpo AF is arriving. I can't start clomid until DD is weaned, and I'm sort of hoping that she just does it on her own. She seems to be a milk monster though, so I don't know if she'll do it on her own. DH mentioned it might be wise to nurse her through cold/flu season and then wean, so it'll be sometime next year that I'll have to force the issue a bit more. Ideally, I'd love for her to wean on her own (I think making it to 18 months to 2 years would be awesome). Anyways, that's where I'm at. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • Hi JennyLou.

    I hope Metformin works for you. I couldn't take it, but they got me on Fortamet, a form of it, just a little different.

    Good Luck!

    How is everybody else doing?

    I hope well!