Brand new to the community, always looking for motivation

  • Hello chickies!

    I am so excited about my decision to take my life back in control, and I am more excited about discovering such a supportive and loving community.

    I have had weight issues my entire life, and my complete lack of motivation has prevented me from reaching my goal so many times over. I assume that a whole bunch of you can identify with me on that one.

    I need help with my diet, and I know I've come to the right place. My plan is to cook my own food, from scratch, using fresh EVERYthing and to pack my own lunch to take to work. Any ideas on simple, healthy and quick lunch-bags are welcome.

    Feel free to PM me with advice, ideas or just a hello.

  • to the board. Everyone here is great. You will find a ton of support and suggestions.

    As for your questions for lunch my staple lately has been:
    Sandwich (whole wheat bread, extra lean lunch meat, mustard, and ff cheese).
    One or two servings of fruit (depending on my mood)
    Sometime yorgut, sometimes gold fish cracker (depending on mood).

    Check out the planning thread and see what people are eating.
  • Welcome!

    I love making spinach quiche [crustless] at the beginning of the week and therefore, am able to just take it to work during the week. If not, a sandwich, whole wheat and lean meat, with fruit and nuts is always a winner.

    : )