What are your choices?

  • Hi everyone! I found this one another site, and wanted to share it with all of you.


    What are your Choices?

    If you watched the US version of The Biggest Loser this week, you saw that when one of the contestants was feeling like she couldn't complete the exercise she was doing... in a very poignant moment Jillian, her trainer, posed the question that gave her focus and strength to go on... 'What are your choices?'...

    That's a good question to ask ourselves everytime we reach for the food that is going to catapult our caloric intake over our daily goals, when we sit in our chair debating whether to 'take it easy' or get up and do that exercise we said we were going to do, when we are halfway through a tough workout and feel tempted to cut it short and just go relax (after all we did *something* didn't we?)... WHAT ARE YOUR CHOICES?

    One of my favorite quotes is 'What you are today is the result of decisions you made yesterday; what you will be tomorrow will be the result of decisions you make today.' It all comes down to choices. Choices we made in the past got us to the point we are now. Choices we make now will decide what we will be in the future.

    Look ahead twelve months from now. Will you still be sitting here saying, 'I really want to lose weight, I really do.. I just can't seem to get motivated. I just can't seem to get up and exercise. I just can't seem to resist those high calorie foods.. I just can't......' Or will you have twelve months of weight loss, improving fitness and health, and be looking and feeling better, having more energy, and feeling really good about how far you've come in the past 12 months?

    WHAT ARE YOUR CHOICES? You can either change your life.. or it will stay the same. But it is YOUR choice. Twelve months from now will you just be twelve months older? or will you be twelve months better? twelve months closer to your goals? twelve months healthier?

    If you do the same things you've always done, you'll get the same results you've always gotten. If you don't change your habits and attitudes, you wont' change your body either. You can't get where you want to be by staying where you are. WHAT ARE YOUR CHOICES?

    Write it down on the fabric of your heart, write it on a piece of paper and put it in your purse or billfold, put it on your refrigerator where you can't miss it... WHAT ARE MY CHOICES? Because it is YOUR choices that got you to where you are.. it will be YOUR choices that will change your life.
  • OMG!!!!!!! This made me cry, Because this is something that I have been thinking about. Next week I am going to be 30 and I dont want to waste my 30's being unhealthy and unhappy. I dont want to waste them like I did my teens and 20's always saying tomorrow. I was thinking about where I want to be next year. Because this time last year I was 'on a diet" but I wasnt losing weight because I was always saying I will start tomorrow or I will start monday. well obviously tomorrow and monday came and went and I am still the size I was then. So I need to do exactly what your post said. I need to think of how fast the past year went by and how if I had started today instead of waiting for tomorrow or monday then I would be where I wanted to be. So thank you for posting this. I am going to print it out and keep it with me at all times and when I think about not working out or eating something that I know wont benefit me then I am going to take it out and read it.

    It scares me so much that I wont succeed because I have quit so many times. But this time has to be different. My life depends on it. If I dont lose weight then I am going to die. It may not be today and It may not even be in 5 years but it will be sooner than I would like and it will be of diabetes. I dont want to be my mom. 50 years old, 250 and taking meds for diabetes. I want to stop the cycle before it gets to that point....for me and for my family.
  • Quote: OMG!!!!!!! This made me cry, Because this is something that I have been thinking about. Next week I am going to be 30 and I dont want to waste my 30's being unhealthy and unhappy. I dont want to waste them like I did my teens and 20's always saying tomorrow. I was thinking about where I want to be next year. Because this time last year I was 'on a diet" but I wasnt losing weight because I was always saying I will start tomorrow or I will start monday. well obviously tomorrow and monday came and went and I am still the size I was then. So I need to do exactly what your post said. I need to think of how fast the past year went by and how if I had started today instead of waiting for tomorrow or monday then I would be where I wanted to be. So thank you for posting this. I am going to print it out and keep it with me at all times and when I think about not working out or eating something that I know wont benefit me then I am going to take it out and read it.

    It scares me so much that I wont succeed because I have quit so many times. But this time has to be different. My life depends on it. If I dont lose weight then I am going to die. It may not be today and It may not even be in 5 years but it will be sooner than I would like and it will be of diabetes. I dont want to be my mom. 50 years old, 250 and taking meds for diabetes. I want to stop the cycle before it gets to that point....for me and for my family.
    It brought tears to my eyes as well, and so I just knew that someone here would find inspiration from it just as I did. I printed it out right away, and I'm going to hang it somewhere I can see it when I feel like throwing in the towel. This time WILL be different, for you and I both. It's our choice.
  • Thank you for sharing that.....I am very focused, and I appreciate any and all positive things that I can keep to help me on this journey. This one is definately a keeper.
  • Thanks for sharing, Cassie!

    It seriously gives me goosebumps and butterflies in my stomach when I think about where I sat on January 16, 2007 and where I'm sitting now and where I'll be sitting January 16, 2008, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13....etc.... I am SO happy that I finally did something rather than talking about doing something. That is truly what keeps me going...reflecting on how far I've already come.

    Time flies...what are you going to do about it?
  • Thanks for sharing.
  • I'm glad you all enjoyed it.
  • LOVED IT, Cassie. If it's okay with you, I want to print it out to share with my TOPS group. In fact, my daughter ate nachos this evening and left out the tortilla chips and cheese. I was tempted, but I grabbed my fat free yogurt (though I'm not as virtuous as Robin - it still has sugar), came up and logged on here. Now, I trust myself to go downstairs and put the food away without sampling. The ability to make those choices every day makes all of the difference. Thank you for your help in me making the right choice tonight.
  • Quote: , my daughter ate nachos this evening and left out the tortilla chips and cheese.
    Ok, I can't figure it out. What the heck is IN nachos if there are no tortilla chips or cheese?
  • OH no. DUH... you meant she left them OUT. Like left them on the counter to eat. So I am having a serious blonde moment here. Sorry.
  • Thanks so much, Marseille. You made me laugh so hard! I can see how you thought that by the way it was worded, though.
  • that was so inspirational! thank you so much for sharing.. i really needed that.
  • There are times when I get envious of the quickness and the apparent ease with which some of our 100lb club friends have lost weight. I struggle with my committment every day and my body just doesnt like to let the fat go......you all know my story...insulin resistance, menopause, yada yada yada. My journey this year has been a constant roller coaster. But, when I look at things realistically....I've lost 29 pounds! And, I've managed to keep it off despite falling off-plan several times. This is the first year ever that I've actually kept my New Year's resolution to lose weight and kept it off. Yes, I havent lost the amount of weight that I wanted to...but, I am a success! That feels good.
  • Quote: OH no. DUH... you meant she left them OUT. Like left them on the counter to eat. So I am having a serious blonde moment here. Sorry.
    I don't have a blond hair on my body, but I suffer those moments from time to time.