Gettin back on track??

  • So.. I just worked half a year in turkey in an animation team. Where during the day I worked with kids and in the evening just entertained the guests. So now Summer is over and I have lost 11 kilos over the summer. Now that Im home Im scared im gonna gain it all back. Also next week Ill be going to London and I really wanna look good so Im really scared about gaining it all back coz I didnt have to do much for it in turkey i was just active all day now im back home barely moving and eatin loads of bad food. How can I keep myself from doing this and focusin back on losing i have another 11 kilos left to lose..
  • FIRST, CONGRATS on the 11kilos. That is wonderful!!!!
    My best advice is to PLAN AHEAD!!!! That is the best way I know how....
  • Im not so good at that..