Official answer to V8 question...

  • I e-mailed the dieticians about the V8 questions so many of us have. I was not happy with the answer I got. I really thought I'd get the answers we all had been saying. But, here's what they said...

    "In regards to V-8, you can incorporate 4 oz. of V-8 Fusion as 1 fruit exchange. Limit the use of this product no more than one time per week, as it is not typically part of our plan. You can use Diet V-8 Splash, up to 24 oz. daily, as a diet beverage. We do not recommend the V-8 Splash or Smoothies as they are not 100% fruit and due to their nutritional value."

    DARN IT!!!
  • I was told that the V-8 fusion counted as one fruit AND a veggie. That's the way I've always used it.. Opps... I use the "Lite" version only, as it's much lower in calories.
  • great
    I was told it was counted as one fruit and TWO veggies for 8 oz. She said it would help if I have trouble getting veggies in, (which I do). I was using it almost every day.

  • Thanks for the "official" response. It actually makes sense to me, although I, too, had been told the same as Dan.
  • Well, I had heard that it was 2 veggies. Which was awesome since I have trouble getting all of my veggies in. But that may explain why I've been plateaued... If I was counting it as 2V and it should be 1F, I was getting too much of one and not enough of the other. Well, back to being POP...
  • I was having trouble with my veggies, and I weighed in today. The counselor suggested to me to use the v8 fusion to help me get the veggies in. She said it was 2V and a Fruit. I asked if it was ok to use it everyday. She said, it shouldn't hurt you, you need to get those veggies in.'s an easy way to get veggies in when you need more at the end of the day. I'm gonna do what she says and see what happens...

  • I've sent off another e-mail to the dietitians just to be sure. But from my experience...I've used it quite a bit in the last month or so and have been somewhat plateaued. I was POP this weekend using it correctly (as 1F) and dropped 1 lb. I'll let you know again what I find out...
  • I have learned that there are differences between the dieticians at the corporate centers and the franchise centers. They are not on the same page. I thought that there would be a database for things like this, but I have learned that this is not apparently such a thing. The split has apparently made things even more separate and they have gone in different directions with different weight loss plans. I would be interested to know if one of you is hearing the corporate version and one the franchise version.
  • Well, I got my response from the corporate dietitians. And here is the second response I got back. You really would think that corporate and franchise would have the same standards. Craaaazy!

    I wrote:
    "Okay, I e-mailed before about the V8 Fusion Light and was told that it is 1 fruit. Is that really true. I've been told by my center that it is 2 veggies and a fruit. Other times I've been told it's just 2 veggies. I just want to be absolutely sure."

    They're response:
    "As per our previous correspondence, we recommend counting a 4 oz. serving of V8 Fusion as 1 fruit exchange. Limit the use of this product to no more than one time per week, as it is not typically part of our weight loss program and it is not 100% fruit juice. Each exchange size is determined by the whole nutritional composition of the food. Factors such as calories, carbohydrates, protein, fat, and sodium are all taken into account when determining a portion size. If there are any further questions, please contact us."
  • Sad news about the V8 Fusion Light I really liked that stuff! So, as a substitute what about the Juicy Juice Harvest Surprise, since it is 100% juice?