Hair Loss...

  • Since being diagnosed with hypothyroid back in May (and started slowly on Levothyroxine), I have noticed my hair loss has increased.

    I have to go in for blood work to check my levels in 2 weeks and will ask the Dr., but right now I am getting worried about going bald (ok..a bit over dramatic, but my hair is really coming out!)

    Does anyone take specific vitamins to help with this? I am currently taking just a regular Multi-Vitamin (Centrum) and Calcium daily.

    Any ideas or questions I should have for the Dr.?
  • Hey, sorry you are going through this, hairloss is so scary ...I too am losing alot of hair but have been put on Spiro and it is too soon to tell at this point if it is helping...I also have taken the GNC hair and nails vitamins and they seemed to help, good luck!!
  • Thanks Satine. It *is* scarey! I will look into the GNC Hair and Nails. What is Spiro?
  • Biotin is really good for your hair - that is what the GNC Hair & Nails is - a multivitamin with added Biotin. If you are taking a multi vitamin already just grab some store brand Biotin - I take 5000 mcg a day.

    Spironolactone is a diuretic that is commonly prescribed for women with PCOS. It is an anti androgen so CAN help with hirsutism and hair loss. I've been on it for six years and it hasn't done anything for me - but everyone is different. If you are put on it - it can take a year to see results if you are going to see them at all. Their are other things that can be tried - like Flutamide - but doctors are not usually open to trying this first as it can cause liver problems and requires carefully monitoring. I just started it two weeks ago and am hoping it will help. My hirsutism is mostly on my face and not really bad at all - I don't think anyone else notices it. I have had signifigant hair loss but this may also be due to large weightloss.
  • Thanks Witchy. I will look for the Biotin at Walmart tommorrow. It is so frustrating that you are doing your best to get healthy and you get to look so...well....UN-healthy.
  • I've also heard that biotin works for this, as well as getting some oil in such as Omega.. Good luck!
  • Hair Loss
    So funny you should bring this up - I'm on Depakote for Epilepsy (just since June), and have been pulling way too much hair out of my shower drain and brushes. I actually broke down in the shower about a month ago after pulling what looked like handfulls of hair out. I also had a nightmare about the front part of my head going bald, but it was only a dream, thank God. I'm going to get some Biotin asap!!!

  • Just A Suggestion
    Hi I am new here have been reading trough the various post now I don't feel so alone. But I was going to suggest to you that I tried a tonic type product (herbal) that you put on your scalp it is called HairMax md it has been working well for me .
  • I've got thinning/falling out hair too because of raised Liver Function tests - maybe ask your doc if that's your situation?
  • Hi Peggy, that's my sister's name, so I already like you! :-) Some excellent food sources of biotin are Swiss chard, tomatoes, almonds and most nuts, apples (with the skin), eggs, romaine lettuce, bananas and pumpkin.

    Another really important nutrient is Omega-3s which you can get from your diet by eating some walnuts, salmon (along with other fish), and ground flax seed (add that to your oatmeal after cooking!)

    I was also noticing increased hair loss, but since adding more of these foods (and other nutrient rich fruits, veggies, and nuts) I have seen some improvement over the last couple of months.

    One other thing...I was kind of freaking out when my hair started thinning, but almost everything I read said that it is typically a temporary situation, and related in some degree to hormonal changes, stress, or *new* medication. At 48 years old, I know mine was probably hormonal but the diet improvements seem to help with a few other related issues.

    Best of luck, and I am betting that if you just boost your health a bit and give your body time to adjust, you will start seeing lots of new little hairs abound your scalp line!