30 Somethings Daily Chat Wed. Sept.12th

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  • Morning All,
    Hope everyone makes it through hump day without any problems. I think I might finally have figured out my sleeping pattern so that I am not too tired when I get up in the mornings.
    Shelia hope you are feeling better today!
    Hanna, glad your meeting went well. You have a wonderful positive attutide to helping Sean. I know it can be hard at times, but look at the outcome done the road in the future.
    Kerri, sorry to hear that you lost your post due to tech. difficulties. So how are things going with you?
    Laurie sorry to hear that you really didn't get to leave early yesterday. But at least that was positive thinking about the wine saving it for the weekend.
    Hi to Lauren, Christina, Karen, GG, Blue, Shoegal, Mo, Roo, Lisa , Angie, Michelle and John. Hope you have a great day!
    Must be on my way out the door. Chat with you all later.
  • Good morning everyone

    Kerry I am there with ya making it through hump day ughh friday would be much better. I am feeling better, I hate being sick.

    Hey all remember earlier this year I was asking about lymphnodes. One of you had said that they can stay up for at least a year, mine are still present. Doc said by me loosing weight it will help?

    I have a busy day today. I go from being sick and lazy to hauling some serious butt. Better go get ready.


    where the heck is MO
  • mornging all...nothing overly exciting to report. but just thought i'd pop in before i have to go get ready for work. Hopefully it won't be toooooo crazy this am. We'll see. We've been doing great at work however, some great numbers everynight. So that will be good.

    Hnnah- hope things work out for sean...i know its been so tough

    keri - roo has been lurking..he pops up every now and then...and as for mo...well rumor has it we've lost her to myspace. She's supposively doesn't love us anymore LOL. We're not good enough for her LOL i hear she's doing well..but since i loath myspace with a passion, i haven't checked her out.

    alright all...hope everyone has a beautiful day!
  • GG: I don't do myspace either so I haven't checked her out. I heard she was on there also. What is up with that, find a guy?
  • Rumor has it that MO has found *three* guys... :-) :-)
    Poor girl is just too worn out to bother with us these days....

    Morning Kerry, Sheila & GG ~ Happy Hump Day.

    Congrats to all that are losing weight these days and becoming more active. Laurie ~ you are putting in some serious exercise time. WTG!!!
    Talk to everyone later ~ Joan
  • Mornin' All!

    Kerry, Interview was OK, testing would be for the second interview. I told the agency I wasn't interested. Also, did not get the other temp job I interviewed for last week, so I'm taking the temp job I interviewed for Monday. It's less than I want/need, but it's an OK location and seems like a nice place. And it could eventually go perm, depending on what happens with the company. I start Monday.

    Did anyone watch Biggest Loser last night? One girl lost 20 lbs....in ONE week! And one guy lost 31 lbs. in one week!! I can't believe it!! I wish they would show us what they eat, when they eat, and how much they eat. I think the way they push them is nuts though. And I don't like Jillian, so I'm not really happy that she's back.

    Have a great day all! I'm headed out for a walk around my neighborhood!
  • I love The Biggest Loser and I missed it last night. I find the show somewhat insiring, if they can do it so can I, I just wish I could do nothing for 6 months except concentrate on myself. Wouldn't that make it somewhat easier? Who knows. Hope everyone has a great day!!

  • Lauren I hope that your temp job turns into something more permenant for you. How is the house coming along? Did you get your plumbing and a/c fixed on Monday?
    Joan thanks for the info on MO. She sure is busy than with 3 guys.
    Today is a chilly day with the temps in the 50's. I think it is suppose to get up to 70's. It is sunny out too. So that is going to help alot. I am hoping that after I get done at school this evening I can come home, eat dinner and then take a walk outside.
    Chat with you all later.
  • Hi guys! Hope you dont mind me jumping in, but I would sure would love to join your group.

    About a year and a half ago I lost 70 lbs doing WW at home and using the Boot Camp Buddies forum...very similar to this one. Well, I slacked off and of course gained about 30 back. For now, I would really like to take the knowledge I learned from WW and try to just eat healthy, not necessarily count points etc. and of course start getting more exercise again. but I know that having the on-line support was also a HUGE part of my success. However, I can't go back to the other forum as it is for strictly OP WW people, which isn't really what I am doing now. Found this site and seems like it will be a perfect fit...if you will have me.

    A little info about me, I am 34, married with a 4 yr old boy. I am really into riding my motorcycle and my horse, as well as spending time and traveling with my family. I am a Children's Librarian at a Public Library. Hubbie works second shift (this little factoid will be important when i inevitably bring up how hard it is just too cook for myself and 4 yr old) as an inspector for a aviation manufacturer.

    I just recommited myself to being healthy this week and already faced a good challenge last night. Went to a Bike Night to commemorate 9/11 that was held in a MCDonald's parking lot. Was very good, only had a diet soda as I had had dinner at my mom's before I left...not that that would have stopped me in the past. LOL Afterwards, a couple of friends, my F-I-L, and I rode up to a local restuarant/bar and they all ordered food. I got half a dozen raw oysters instead of the fries and other asorted fried things I wanted to have. Yeah me! I'm really trying to accentuate the positive choices I make, more so than the you-stupid-cow-why-did-you-eat-that moments. I know ultimately, a postiive attitude will lead to far more success.

    Promised my son I would take him out to lunch today and unfortunately I don't think he will want to go for sushi, wish is my usual "safe" going-out-for-lunch meal. Wish me luck!

    PS Oh, and if you can't tell, I like to write and tell stories.
  • Chrome, welcome to our little (okay, not so little) group. You are more than welcome to jump in.

    Mo is juggling 3 guys? She doesn't share very well does she? She could have sent one to me.

  • Nope - I'm not going anywhere.

    Roo is here - V-E-R-Y busy this week. (I'm actually writing from the middle of my training class. ) I'll try and post something when I get home this weekend/next week.

    You beautiful cheesecakes dribbled with hot caramel and 19.5 dollups of whipped cream!!! You crack me up. Christina tipped me off to your conversation here!

    I HAVE NOT STOPPED LOVING ANY OF YOU DARLINGS!!! Yes, I have been busy and yes, I'm a myspace cracked out addicted ho fo sho! BUT, I am not a ho...though I do aspire to be one when I grow up! Three guys eh? BAHAHA. I'm not even juggling one, I'm afraid. I did have one date several weeks ago and do really like the guy quite well...but he lives 2 hours away and that distance is going to be a tough thing to overcome.

    Hmm....otherwise nothing new really. Only down 14 pounds and in a holding pattern. Of course, I'm eating like a deranged hippo and not drinking my water, yada yada. Meds not doing well...levels are WAY off again and my system has crashed about 3 times...on yet another increase of the Armour Thyroid and that part of my life is a super living ****. Work is crazy...other girl is still calling in sick all the time and gone most days on "vacation." I'd like to wring her friggin' neck!

    Hello Sheila, Roobie Slippers, Big John, Michelle B., Kerrry, Vanessa, Molly, Tina, Karen K., Hanna Nanna my pumpkin, Kirsten, Clover, AND EVERYONE I'M MISSING Is Ken still around too? If so-HEY BRAU!

    Joan/GG: How is everything on the house front boo boo bears?

    Kerri/Michelle/Vicki/Alicia & Christina: I talk to you weekly "OVER THERE," but I'll say hi here too!!!

    Lisa Poo:If I even had 1/2 a man I would share with you beautiful!!!

    Ok, busy busy busy here @ work and about to go bonkers!!!

    Love ya, MO
  • good morning all!

    Wow amazing what it takes to bring out sweet like apple pie dripping in caramel sauce and whipping cream MO!!! good to hear from you! you have been missed!!!

    Roo I had a feeling you were lurking around, are you out of town, I thought you were suppose to be visiting your family??? how is it going? I hope you are having a great visit, I know you said DW wouldn't be able to go, sorry about that, I hope you are enjoying though

    GG I hope you don't have a crazy day today, good luck! I am making the appointment for the little dude to get this thing on his tail removed tomorrow and neutered he is going to be a he no more! just an IT, LOL.

    Chrome Pony this place is the best! I am glad you joined! I don't like motorcycles, I am afraid to get on a horse but I love watching them I think they are the most beautiful animals, I do love sushi!!! I am addicted to it I try going to the local sushi place at least once a week, I LOVE IT!!! I am looking forward to chatting w/you!

    Kerry it is crazy first we had all that **** hot weather and know you are so cold sorry! I am glad you are figuring out your sleep! that is great news! Have a great day today!

    Joan I love it! you brought MO out!!! LOL.

    Sheila I wish you a great day! I am sorry about the lymphnodes, I don't know anything about them, I have to talk to a couple of doctors today I will asked them (I will try to remember)

    Lauren good luck with the job!!! I didn't watch the whole BL show, I taped it, I was watching big brother. I can't wait to watch it later today. I don't like Julian either, (she sort of looks like a man, LOL) I agree w/Angie it is very inspiring.

    Well today Sean is home, he went to school and about 20 minutes later the driver called to say she was bringing him back home, he was sick and had a very bad headache, if its not one thing is another, I am so tired of this!!! grrrrrrr.... I don't know what to do for him. I wanted to go to the gym and take my time, but know I have to stay home, I'm not thrilled. I will try to do some exercises at home or dvds.
    Tonight is the first night of Rosh Hashana, I am a little depressed, I don't have any plans. DH asked me what are we suppose to do tonight or if we are going to anyone's for dinner to celebrate, I had not even though of it, I have been to busy w/Sean, I am a little angry. I know I shouldn't be. OK enough of that, it is what it is, right?

    Chrome pony I think I am going to have to call the sushi place and have my neighbor pick it up for me MMMMM.... that sound good

    Ok I have to go take care of Sean I will be back later.
  • Good Morning Everyone!

    Went to bed waaaaay too late and can hardly keep my eyes open!
    Did everyone watch Biggest Loser last night???? AWESOME show!

    Hi Mo!
    Haven't met you but have read about ya! LOL.... Hey what type of thyroid issues do you have if you don't mind me asking..... I am curious because I had my thyroid completely removed back in January and am on Levoxxyl daily.... it has totally messed with me weight! uhgghghgh

    Sorry you are having a bad time dear! I haven't asked but is Sean autistic? I have read sll of your posts but joined later in the game so wasn't sure! Hang in there and keep doin' what you're doin'! My cousin has a son (my 2nd cousin) that was born autistic and I know what shw goes through and I know that is perfectly normal and ok to feel frustration but never let that make you feel bad..... You're a good mom!

    Hello Hope all is well! What line of work are you in? I was just jealous that you get to go to work later in the day!

    Sheila - glad to hear you are feeling well. It is totally normal for lymphnodes to swell when you aren't feeling well Hope you have a great day! Glad you kicked butt in vball too!

    How are you? Are you having better times now with your skin? Did you ever look into that Aloe Juice from Trader Joes I was tellin' ya about? Great stuff!!!

    Chrome Pony

    Everyone here is really great! I have a 4 year old daughter! Looking forward to knowing you! I love horses and motorcycles! Sometimes on the weekends I work at this motorcycle resteraunt that is pretty well known here in Cali.... my sister and I used to work every weekend for the owners and now we fill in whenever they need us.

    Hello Kerry, Laurie and Lauren, Alicia, Angie, Lisa !!! Sorry you didn't get to leave work early Laurie!

    You guys are too funny! Who said Julian from BL looks like a man? She kinda does..... ok well remove her head and I would take her body any day!!!!

  • Hi Slim! Welcome!!! I am a hypothyroid...suffered for 3 years before I was finally diagnosed just like 10 months ago. I started on Synthroid and had a very bad time with that medication. I'm now on 90 mg of Armour Thyroid and we think I'll have to go up to 120 mg or more...blood draw again in 5 weeks. I hear ya on the weight thang. This thyroid drama led to a 55 pound weight gain for me and that is partly what made me start thinking about researching hypothyroidism! Fun isn't it? Again, welcome!

    Welcome ChromePony!

    Actually Hanna Nanna, it wasn't just Joan that brought me around....I missed you too and I'm sorry for being a horrible supporter (this is to you too GGers and Lisers)! xoxoxoxooooooooooooooooooooo MO