Fab & Fit 40's And 50's! #186

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  • Susan,
    Good to hear from you.
    Most important thing is don't quit.

    After a weekend last week of having the boys over (pizza), then a tailgate party at my brother's (beer on tap and brats).....I posted a loss today of .2....yep POINT two pounds....and I'm doing the because I went back and weighed in! Just the fact that I went back.

    You all know I've been down this road before....a great first week, then I get a big smug (I call it cocky) then am TOO good to myself, 'cause after all, I just had a big loss! A couple of days before weigh-in I panic because I cannot possibly post a loss on Thursday so then I think," I'll weigh in on Saturday, cause SURELY I'll have a loss by then!" and I can redeem myself. And my leader from Thursdays won't know that if I had weighed in on that day I would have had a "bad" weigh-in....

    Then I said STOP!
    Who am I kidding? Perhaps I'm finally growing up. This is not about fooling the scale. Or fooling WW or fooling my leader.
    I'm only fooling myself.

    I went to my meeting, faced the scale and finally realized that I truly am on a "live-it" .......not a diet. I have to stick with my plan and not give in after a bit of adversity/bad choices shows up on the scale.

    There will be many obstacles to my goal in the days, weeks, and months ahead. I will be faced with many choices. This is for life. Each time I chose what I know is the best path, I am victorious.

    As Dianne has always said, "Sometimes life gets in the way". It's how we make it work for us is the key.

    So......sorry! this is so long. I'm having a moment.
    HI to all of you.
    Stop in and say hello!

  • Hi Girls I missed you all.

    Jen, I thought about trying Core. After reading that you lost 4 lbs. the first week I decided to try it. I'm trying to start WW at Work again. I hope I can get enough people so we can start right away. I wanted to stop in & say hello. I will be back later. I'm getting ready to go food shopping.

    Hugs to all my buddies Es
  • Es,
    It would be great to have WW at work; we have tried and not gotten enough people to qualify.
    Core is working okay for me. I'm gradually adjusting the way I eat, and I feel very good.

    This morning the temps are in the 40's! We had a heat wave over the weekend..up to 88 degrees on Sunday. Actually had a chance to take a dip in the pool! We set a record, have never gone swimming this late in the year. We'll be closing it in the next couple of weeks


  • Hi everyone!

    Weighed in this evening, had a loss of 4.8 pounds, so I'm up to a total loss of 9.4 pounds

    We're going to be officially adopting and bringing home the kittens, Jack and Max, on October 20th! I can't wait. As soon as I get a good photo I will post it.

  • Hi Girls

    Woo Hoo Jen You are doing great! I bet the kitties are very cute. My cat ruined all my furniture. I have a few scratching boards for her but every now & then I still catch her. She's a brat but we love her.

    So far 9 people are interested in joining WW. Hopefully in another week or 2 we'll have at least 14.

    Well, just stopped in to say hi. Be back soon.

  • Jen,
    FANTASTIC!! That is a great loss.
    I was so glad the Bears beat Greenbay. The Minnesota game was a shame. 3 lousy points. You sound like you all have fun on game day. That is cool!!
    I hear ya on the fooling the scale thing. We are just fooling ourselves. I always felt redeemed when I decided to bite the bullit and weigh in. It is freeing.
    I can't wait to see the babies. Pictures! I love my Tanner and Bosco.

    Britts and I are still doing the ww program. I lost 3 pounds this week.
    The boys are weighing in every week and watching. They are not doing points but they now have an idea how much they can get away with. They still look great. They haven't gained any back.
    Brittany kicked her workouts up a notch and she has lost 15 in the last month. She is so excited.

    9 is great. I hope it works out for you.

    I missed y'all. We went to Hot Springs Arkansas for 5 days. They have an amusement park and it was haunted. The kids had a great time.
    We went to our Timeshare and we relaxed. It was so nice.

  • Terri,
    Good loss! Your boys are doing the right thing, learning now how to keep a healthy weight. Congrat to Britts on her hard work!
    The Bears...don't have it this year, but I still love 'em. The Green Bay win was sweeeet!

    Had a loss of 1.4 at weigh-in last night. I'm still excited about Core
    Total so far is 10.8 lost. I haven't been exercising, that's what I have to focus on beginning today.

    We get the definite word on the kitties this evening. They're both just under 2 pounds, which is the weight they need to be to get their shots, and then can be adopted. They have a 5 pm vet appt., after which the foster mom will call me to let me know if we'll get them tomorrow I understand that they're tiny little things, only 7 weeks...but the wait is difficult!

    have a great Friday!
  • Hi Girls

    Jen, you are doing great! When did you start? I know you're anxious to get the kids/kitties. They must be sooooooooooooo cute.

    Terri, congrats to you & the kids. I always thought it was so cute that the whole family did WW together. Say hi to Britts.

    Well, so much for WW at Work. Now they want you to sign up for 17 weeks instead of 10 & we need 20 people instead of 15 I'm going to sign up for the monthly pass on my own. I'll try Core this time. One week Core then the next Flex.

    Hi to the rest of our gang

  • Es,
    It's a shame that WW has raised its At Work standards.....I'm sure there are many workplaces that want to participate that are under 20 people.

    Please keep in mind that on Core you may feel limited, but if you really take advantage of the food list, you won't feel deprived. For me, the absolute key is protein. I hope you enjoy it...that's what it's all about. No journalling...just eat till youre satisfied...not stuffed! I've discovered a lot about myself since beginning Core. I hope you do the same.

    I did receive the call today....we're adopting Jack and Max tomorrow!!!!! I can't wait. We're ready to go, will have them home here tomorrow by noon.

    HI Terri, Dianne, Susan, Sandy, Zoe......where are you all?????
    take care,
  • Jen, I'm excited for you. I hope we can to see a picture of Jack & Max soon. They grow very fast. I'm looking forward to trying Core.

    Have to get ready to go food shopping.

    Hasta Juego/till later

  • Hi evryone
    Weighed in tonight with a loss of 2.6 lbs. I love Core!!!!!

    How is everyone?
    Sandy, Hope your Mom and mother-in-law are doing okay.
    Zoe, How is Ms. Rylea doing?
    Susan, Haven't heard from you in a while...and you were the one keeping this thread going for quite some time. Hope all is well.

    Hi to Terri, Dianne and Es.

    have a great Friday!
  • Hi everyone

    OMG, Jen - YOU ARE ON FIRE GIRL!!! Holy, moly What is your total, like 13 lbs in what, 3 weeks or a month??? You are doing fantastic - looks like Core is really your thing. I also like the attitude about facing the music and getting weighed. Its true, we're only fooling ourselves when we mess around. I'm so happy for you. Did you get the kittens yet?

    Alana and Sal have a new addition to the family - noooooo, not a baby, a puppy. She's a 2 mos. old beagle, adorable. Her name is Poppins (Alana loves Mary Poppins, lololol). I actually held her (you know I'm not crazy about animals, lol). I wrapped an old pillow case around her and held her that way and made sure she didn't lick me either, lol. You all probably think I'm nuts, but I "skeeve" animals licking me. Anyway, I'm sure I'll get used to her.

    Well, I've lost a total of 4.5 lbs. in 4 weeks (I'm not going to say "only" cause a loss is a loss, is a loss). I lost 2.5 the first week (which is usually the "BIG" loss, lol) after that it was 1 lb and .5 and .5. But, I'm still going to the gym and so I think a bigger loss will show up down the line.

    Terri - great going on your loss too. And Britts is really doing well, say congrats for me.

    Es, amiga, did you go back to ww? I'm thinking of rejoining tomorrow because I think I need some help and need to be accountable. There's nothing as motivating as facing that scale every week and the person weighing you, lol.

    Hi ZoeGirl, Susan, Sandy, Ruthie Hope you guys are doing well.

    Well, gotta go. Have a great weekend, everyone.\

  • Hi

    4.5 pounds is very good! That's a bag of sugar you're no longer carrying around. I've been on Core for 5 weeks.
    I can relate with your animal-licking thing. I'm not really a dog person, and don't like when they do. But wrapping her up sounds sensible to me! I'm sure you'll grow to like her. I like my brother's dogs because I know them...but I still don't want them to lick me.

    We have had Jack and Max for one week today. Jack loves to be petted, Max is more skittish and runs away. They're only 2 pounds apiece..very tiny. They're brothers; it's so funny to see them play and chase each other around!

    Have a great weekend!
  • Hello

    Dianne, you are doing really well also. Are you on flex? I bet Poppins is really cute. I love all animals, especially dogs & cats. They are so smart. When she licks you she's showing affection.

    Jen, I was talking about you at work yesterday. How out of our group we were the two that have always struggled & you finally heard the click. I'm still struggling but not for long.

    Any plans for this weekend? i'm just renting movies & staying home today. Tomorrow I'll go food shopping then Monday I took off. I have to take Sammy for his annual check up.

    Have a nice weekend

    Love, Es

  • Es,
    Believe me, every day is still a struggle. I would love to eat whatever I want....but would balloon up even bigger! I don't think I have really heard the click yet, but am enjoying the freedom Core offers.

    We're going to a Halloween party tonight at Joey & Ili's. Joe is dressing up as a keg of beer and since I didn't think of anything else to do, am wearing a graduation cap and gown...I know mine isn't very creative, but oh well!

    Have a good weekend!