Hirsutism & Shaving

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  • I need help! Ok, so I have facial hair .. bleh .. and I shave but I now my skin is very irritated. Its red and bumpy and very noticeable that its embarrasing. Has this happened to anyone? I was looking online and I found a site that gave (what seemed like) a good tip on shaving. Here it is:

    Helpful Shaving Hints for Ladies

    a)Pre-soak the area first. You can do this by taking a bath or a shower, or placing a hot washcloth over the area to be shaved for 10-15 minutes.

    b)Use a fresh double-edged disposable razor.

    c)Try a shave cream or gel - anything unscented should be good.

    d)Pull the skintight and shave in the direction of the hair growth. You won't get as smooth a shave by going doing this, but you'll avoid those annoying red bumps that sometimes appear in a day or two.

    e)Try not to shave over the same area twice as this will cause irritation.

    If needed, use more razors rather than going over the same area a few times. Certain hair textures will foul a razor quickly, and a crisp edge on the razor blade is essential.

    f)After shaving, dry your skin gently but thoroughly. Once completely dry; use pure Aloe Vera to sooth the skin. Once that's dried, rub baby oil into the skin to sooth it and protect it. After about 6-7 hours, wash the baby oil off using anti-bacterial soap, rubbing in the direction of the hair growth.

    g)Once the skin is completely dry, use more Aloe Vera, letting it dry completely, then use Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion with Aloe and Lanolin.

    h)To help control moisture, use any powder that doesn't have talc in it; there's a slight correlation between using talc and ovarian cancer in women.

    After you've shaved a few times, you'll find that you can shave more often and with less itch and irritation. The itching *will* go away eventually, lessening each and every time you shave.

    Aaaand I also found this:

    Shaving is the safest and easiest method of removing hair. Shaving is an unacceptable method of dealing with facial hair among women in our country. If your skin becomes irritated, apply a small amount of 1% hydrocortisone cream.

    My question to you all is, has anyone else experienced irritation when shaving the facial hair and if so, did it go away? What did you do to make it go away?

    Please HELP!
  • I don't have any problems when I do the peach fuzz on my cheeks - but I get such nasty bristles when I shave it that I don't do it anymore. I got a epilator a few years ago and it works great. It is painful sometimes and takes some getting used to - depends on your pain threshold. It's like tweezing but all at once. Pulls the hair out by the root. I actually have to go buy a new one because the last few times I have used it it kinda scraped my skin up - it has blade type things so I'm assuming it's gotten dull. I know some people swear by that cream/gel you can buy at "adult" stores that is supposed to "prolong your pleasure" by numbing the skin. I haven't tried it myself. Exfoliating is supposed to help ingrown hair issues - maybe one of those facial buffs ?
  • What is the peach fuzz? Sorry, I have been shaving for so many years that just recently I have discovered that there are other options but not sure what all the options are lol
  • And whats an epilator lol
  • Here is a link on epilators - you can find them in most drugstores.

    I have tons of blonde hairs - very fine - on my cheeks and neck are. Years ago I tried electrolysis and the woman who did it was stumped. I now know it is probably due to the PCOS - but they get long and can curl if I don't get rid of them. Thank goodness they are blonde !
  • Hmmm ... I think I might try that.
  • Maybe someday I should invest in electrolysis, but until then I just use Neet and then put on Noxzema afterward to minimize chemical burns

    Quote: Shaving is an unacceptable method of dealing with facial hair among women in our country.
    Sez who? Show me the Bible verse or the article in the Constitution and I'll blow a stinky in its general direction. You're not doing it in public? If it works for you, do it!
  • LOL I just copied and pasted what I read. Oh ahah I didnt realize it said that. I was posting it because it was talking about the cream. Sorry didnt mean to get anyone mad lol You put the neet on your face? Is that like nair?
  • I saw that NEET has a package right now that includes an epilator - I think it was at WalMart or CVS.
  • LOL, my husband gets mad but I steal his Mach 3 Razor. He got the kind that vibrates as you shave and I was amazed and how well it worked! I seemed to get less irritation and bumps.

    I've tried Neet and Nair and neither work for me. I'm very fair complected w/dark brown coarse hairs and I only manage to get chemical burns and no real hair removal (I follow the directions to a T!) what's bad is my skin gets irritated from the chemicals and I can barely shave to get the hairs that are left behind.

    Money is tight right now but I seriously want to have laser hair removal.

    I have also tried electrolysis in the past but it was costing me about $45-50 a week due to my extreme case. I think it did help but all of the stubborn hairs are still there which are MANY!
  • CVS? Whats that? Hmmmm ... but is Neet like Nair? I dont know what that is
  • Nicoyaangel: No problem, I'm not mad, I just don't see why anybody should be slaves to convention. If shaving your face is quick and convenient, do it. Neet is the other big brand-name depilatory lotion
  • What kind of shaving cream do you all use? I think that may also be what is causing my irritation. I just want to find something that will remove my hair and will not cause the 5 o'clock shadow plus take away the irritation. I just want to have the illusion that I dont shave my face
  • LOL Another: I dont know either. I just like that it said something about the 1% cream. LOL I am on a mission to find something to use to remove this hair and not cause irritation. Money is tight here too so its not like I can afford something weekly. I am caramel color (i guess you can say) but my facial hair is dark HELP!
  • LOL - Neet and Nair are about the same. CVS is a pharmacy chain here - like Walgreens ??????