2 MORE DAYS!!! Wooohoooo!!

  • I am so happy that I only have two more days to do the LA Express program. I am sooo tired of just turkey chicken or fish. No pasta no potatoes that was hard for me and I did have potatoes once. I cheated two times and that was this past weekend when we had our all girls weekend. We went to Tim Mcgraw and Faith Hill's concert. It was soo much fun. I drank a few too many as well but went for weigh in today and I hadnt gained nor loss so I am happy at not gaining.
  • I am soooo jealous! I would love to see Tim and Faith in concert!

    Once you get on the Free to Live (or whatever they call your next step after Express there) 3 oz baked potatoes are on the list of acceptable starchy vegetables. They are not on the Consume Infrequently list, but my COD said to be careful - that a 3 oz. potato can turn into a pound of "sugar" that your body has to process which can greatly effect your results on the scale (temporarily, of course!)

    I love potatoes and I love that I can have them on LAWL, but knowing that, I just choose to have them very infrequently. That's the beauty of this plan - there's really nothing forbidden, you just learn to make better choices. I reckon that's what it's all about, huh?!

    Hang in there! And don't go crazy when you finally do have more choices! It just ain't worth it!
  • Off topic...but DH, DD and I went to see Tim and Faith last year. The kicker was that we had backstage passes. Way cool! If there was anyone I would want to see up close and personal, it was Tim...oh, and Faith too
  • Quote: Off topic...but DH, DD and I went to see Tim and Faith last year. The kicker was that we had backstage passes. Way cool! If there was anyone I would want to see up close and personal, it was Tim...oh, and Faith too
    I'm beyond jealous now! How lucky you were!!! I'm sure your DH didn't mind seeing Faith up close too! I just admire their relationship, how they keep their family together despite the fame, and how much in love they still are with each other. Not something you see very often with celebrities. And it doesn't hurt that they are "purty". Oh, and they can sing too!