09/03/07 New Alli Thread, Support Here

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  • Ok, this week is off to a wacky start so lets keep moving. Seems that we are all making little slips, but nothing major!

    ThinGIrl, you are doing MARVOLOUS!!!! KEEP IT UP

    Tammy, Your such a wonderful supporter of everyone

    Melissa, Keep it up girl your doing well

    Debalina, Were here for you

    Mist, got2gethealthy, and all other NEW people: WELCOME!!!!!

    EVERYONE ELSE: Keep up the wonderful job, your hips will thank you when your older!!!! lol
  • Still, the zoo sounds like a wonderful time! I haven't been to one in years. Maybe it's time that I went back and acted like a kid again!! Wonder if our son would want to go the next time he comes home from college? I'll have to ask. As for DQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want some!!!!!

    Thin, I can relate to the eating. I really don't know what my problem has been the past week. I haven't gained, I've just been eating over my calorie limit.

    Today I have done well for once. I even have 300 calories left. I plan to have a small snack later. Now that I have DQ running through my head, I wish there was one in the town where I live!!
  • Tammy, I've never paid much attention to the counting and what's left for the day - it's pretty cool that you do that and can squeeze in a little snack with your left over credits.

    I was invited to a house warming party/birthday party tomorrow night. Just when I was hoping to get back on plan.
  • Thin, I log in all my foods at another site (not Alli). I don't think I can name it here, so I won't. It helps keep me accountable, and you bet, I'll use most of them if I have some left. Hey, the party sounds neat! I want to come!!

    Shy, we've been to the zoos in Cinci and Columbus, but it has been sooooooo long ago. With Tim going to college at Ball State in Indiana, we could always give the Indy Zoo a shot. Might be a getaway weekend sometime.
  • Howdy, Doody, Boys and Girls...
    And another month has flown by. My God, it's going to be Christmas before we know it.

    Well, I've been at home all weekend, worked my sweet fanny adams off on Saturday and totally did nothing the other two days. The great news is I'm down another 2 pounds. YEAHHHHHHHHH MEEEEEEEEE!

    I'm finding it easier to make better choices when we're out to eat or even at home when I've got the munchies and want to snack. Seems like there really is life after lard-arse, after all.

    Have a great day, all and here are some words of wisdom to get us started:

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright
  • Beck, sounds like your doing GREAT!!!

    This week I am going to focus on getting ON TRACK...seems that since I took my overnight trip AUG 4th I have totally jumped off the wagon, I have gained weight again and just couldnt seem to get it together. I am going to PLAN, FOCUS, RELAX and ENJOY! Today I made my lunch (I usually do for work anyway..lol) but if I start out good that is the first step.
    So for breakfast I had:
    1% milk with multi-grain cheerios
    I stopped a the gas station for my coffee (black no sugar) I add splenda at work when I pour it into my mug.
    I almost slipped and bought a blueberry muffin (remember I already had breakfast!!!) So I took a small (like the size of a nickel) piece and tasted it and then made the mental decision that I wasnt going to do it, so I threw it away with only that itzy bitzy bite...(which wasnt good anyway). So then I have my whole wheat chicken breast sandwich with spicy mustard for lunch, and a cup of soup, then I get another cup of soup for snack late this afternoon. Then dinner (man I hate after work time!!!) but I will do it!
  • Shy, that is tooo funny....you know one of my very good friends (years ago) was called Wolf. He was in the Marine Corps in California..but again that was a LONG time ago...havnt heard from him in YEARS and YEARS!

    I cleaned a bit more yesterday between leaving for the zoo and getting home and going to bed I made sure all the laundry was completed....what a chore!
  • i hate cleaning... but this time of year, i seem to want to do it! so that's what i've been doing, besides trying to control my eating...
  • shy you are so funny and you do speak the truth ! i know my husband is a bigger baby than my 2 kids ever were ! when he gets sick he is worse than normal ! good job to all the house work. you put me to shame sounds like you are off to a good start for the week still trying..keep it up. unofficially i cheated and weighed myself and i am down 2 pounds !! my weigh in is friday, just wanted to see how this was working have a great day everyone..sue
  • Cool! That is neat!
  • Hi Everyone! Back from a weekend at the lake. Good to be home and trying to get back into the groove. Even though I did not stick with Plan, I forced myself to continue to take those darn pills. 24 hours after the bbq ribs it wasn't pretty but no accidents. The kids are back in school which means I can get back to a more normal schedule. Had my usual breakfast - oatmeal w/walnuts & currents, string cheese & apple for a snack and then a sandwich for lunch. Dinner tonight is stir fried chicken w/ green beans & brown rice. The lake is great but my eating goes completely haywire and my snacking is out of control. My current fav-Indian mango pickle & mango chutney on a Japanese rice cracker. The mango pickle is "pickled" in ghee which is fat, very unhealthy. Time to get back on track.

    Can't keep up w/ everyone but do have to say Shy your cleaning is an inspiration. Want to come over and get me & my place into shape? I have such a problem with clutter. StillTryin- way to go on the weightloss!!!! You are doing so well and I bet you reach your goal long before your cruise.

    8 days until I leave for California...ugh! I need to search for a good deal on a rental car.

    Keep goin!
  • Good evening all - sounds like everyone had a productive Labor Day Weekend. Nothing much going on around here, just thought I'd check in.
  • Beck, I cringed when you mentioned Christmas!! I might as well start shopping.

    Still, good for you for being on track again!!

    Shy, cleaning house isn't one of my favorite things. Good luck to Wolf with the surgery tomorrow. Cool that you met online. A friend of mine met her husband the same way.

    got 2, lol to cheating on the scales. I did the same thing. I was down a little too, so I changed my tracker to show the pound. Wish it showed 1/2 pounds!

    Bright, welcome back from the lake, and you are leaving again soon!!!

    bobbigene, glad you checked in!

    I've had a tough day, but it sounds kind of wimpy. Our 13 1/2 year old dachsund had to go to the vet today. He hasn't been acting right, and he had diarhea. They kept him in the doggy hospital to run tests. The vet is concerned about liver and kidney problems, because we were just there a month ago with vomiting. I've been a mess. I burst into tears when I don't even know it's coming. I thought earlier, he doesn't even have his blanket and toy with him!! Am I pitiful or what? I'm supposed to call about 10 in the morning to see what's happening. I'll be volunteering at the soup kitchen till about 1:30 or 2:00, so if he gets to come home, I can't go get him until then.
  • Tammy, I hope your doxy will be ok....I love them they are soooo cute!
  • Tammy i am sorry to hear about your little dog. if you are like me they are family. worse when they are sick. we had to put our boxer down because of cancer and i cried for days...i am sure he is getting the best care and i'll keep you in my thoughts. Beck, your little lady walking really fast makes me smile every time i see her.