Anyone ELSE want to give up sugar with me?

  • Hi all!
    Today is day 6 of my new eating plan, and I am having a HORRIBLE time giving up SUGAR! And, I just found out that according to some recent studies, fake sugar/sugar substitutes have the same effect on your body as real sugar. So, using them to avoid the highs/lows/other effects of sugar is ineffective!
    SO, anyone with me in giving up sugar and sugar substitutes? Maybe not forever, but maybe for the month of September???
    I'm climbing the walls, here...
  • Yes. I know I need to do this.
  • Quote: I just found out that according to some recent studies, fake sugar/sugar substitutes have the same effect on your body as real sugar. So, using them to avoid the highs/lows/other effects of sugar is ineffective!
    The fact remains that sugar substitutes still have significantly less calories than regular white sugar, or any sugar for that matter. However, the evidence that it may effect your blood sugar levels still is at a minimum. It won't effect the insulin levels as much because the fake sugar is NOT actually digested (metabolized) by your digestive enzymes. Your starch digestion amylase usually digest the sugars to become hexose sugars, fructose sugars and such. When sugar substitues are consumed, the enzymes usually do not recognize the fake sugar depending on the nature of the sugar itself (aspartame won't be recognized at all because it is actually a dimer of amino acids, splenda, because it is derived from sugar, will be recognized but not digested to a large part because it is unable to be un-cyclized by the enzyme). I do get the general idea of what you are saying; sugar substitutes will not cure sugar hankerings because it IS sweeter than regular sugar and WILL effect your cravings for additional sugar consumed later on. I know of many people who still crave sweets even after fake sugar desserts. But fake sugar isn't necessarily your enemy, while it may not be your friend. For diabetics, it is a wonder.

    Anyway, I think that you are on the right track. Some people limit their white flour and sugar intake to bust their cravings. I've heard it helps! I personally wouldn't give up things if I can really restrain myself. But good luck!