More food recalls - here we go with spinach again


    Ever since that first outbreak with spinach, I haven't bought it. Even though they said it was supposedly safe, I didn't buy it <------ double meaning there. Meaning I didn't buy the product and I didn't 'buy' the crud that it was safe. In fact I don't buy ANY bagged salad product anymore.

    It's getting so you're about half afraid to eat.
  • It really is terrible, isn't it. I wonder how long this sort of thing will go on before we all start to ask serious questions about our food supply and agricultural practices.

    We eat TONS of spinach from those plastic boxes, although I've started having mixed greens instead. My boyfriend will probably starve to death if he can't eat baby spinach; it's the bedrock of his diet.
  • Thankfully they caught this one early and more than 80% of the bad spinach is still in the warehouse. That said, I still buy bagged lettuce. I'm a convenience freak! The other day, I ate a bunch of Trader Joe's baby carrots and an hour later heard about a recall on those (didn't get sick--never found the package to check the numbers, either). I just count my lucky stars that I've been safe, so far!