Think I'll go to a meeting???

  • Hello,

    I'm totally new here. I've gone to this website before a couple of years ago when I was trying to do some kind of diet; but just tonight I had this inkling to check out OA, and I thought a forum would be a good place to start. I also found out there is a weekly meeting where I live, and maybe I'll go.

    I don't want to "diet" anymore, I don't want to restrict a bunch of types of food. I want to eat a healthy variety, and I don't want to kid myself either. I don't want to kid myself, that I just won't worry about it, because maybe I do have a problem with emotional/bored eatting. And maybe it is silly of me to try to eat something without my husband noticing while he is taking out the trash, and then jumping when he comes in the front door because I've tried to sneak a bite of fudge topping without him knowing??? I did that today, and I also avoided somethings I needed to do today. Among other things I ate to avoid??

    I also enjoy and slightly look forward to eatting by myself. I don't know if that's really a problem or not. Maybe it just means that I enjoy time to myself, and taking the time to enjoy food during it?

    I also know that sometimes I try to keep certain foods out of the house, just so I don't overindulge in them.

    I want to be one of those women that don't overindulge in food. I've always loved food, but I want to be one of those women that just eat until they are full and have no problem putting down the fork. I don't even want it to be a control thing, I just want it to become natural. I don't want to become preoccupied with food, or stare at people's plates, like I can't stand certain people doing to me because I know they are preoccupied with food. Is this possible?

    So, all of that said, anyone think I should try out a meeting??

  • Sounds like it may be a good idea to explore OA.

    BTW, my intuition spoke to me about a month ago in much the same way and guided me to OA. I believe it was my Higher Power directing me to where I belong. After years of yo yo dieting, bingeing, and weight struggles, I decided that it was time to focus on recovery and not another diet.

    In OA, you'll focus on physical, emotional, and spiritual issues related to addiction and compulsive overeating. You will not do anymore fad diets, instead, you'll focus on abstaining from those foods and behaviors that have caused problems for you in the past. By cutting these things out, you'll be able to obsess less about food/diets and you'll be freer to focus on the emotional and spiritual factors that may have contributed to your weight struggles, compulsive eating, and food addictions.

    Good luck to you and keep us posted.
  • Hi HeatherRose,
    I think that there is a questionaire on the OA website. Why not take the test and do a self evaluation? Can't hurt then you will know pretty much for sure.
    Let us know ok?
  • Hi Bumps,

    Well, yes, I took the test, and I answered yes, for sure, on 3 or more of the questions..I guess their can be no harm in going to a meeting.

    Thanks ladies, nice to meet you.
  • Hi Heather,

    Let us know how you like the meetings.

    I took my husband to a meeting with me on Monday night. I've been going to OA meetings for over ten months now and this is the first time he's been (he has no food issues and eats very healthy and been within 5 lbs of his optimum weight his whole life...hmmphh lol!) He was blown away at the honesty and loving support.

    I actually lead the meeting and when I asked at the end if there were any burning desires to share he said yes. I almost choked and said, "Really?". I was just expecting him to observe. I was a little scared at what he'd say!

    He shared how grateful he is for OA and that he's seen me struggle for 18 years (13 yrs marriage, 5 yrs dating before that) with food, bulimia, anorexia, overeating and this is the most healing that I've had with food and in my life in general. He also shared how much peace OA has brought to our family. I was moved to tears.

    There are all levels of "eaters" in OA. Some with severe pasts with food, others that struggle a little. But it doesn't matter in the meetings, everyone is where they are and the support is awesome.

    Keep us posted.
  • Charlene--i just wanted to say that I got all choked up when I read what your husband said at the meeting. Wow! What a gem.

    You're doing so well and you're such an inspiration. Way to go on leading the meetings!