Diary of a Mad Fat Smasher

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  • Sooooooo, I completed Week 1 of Phase I, and I feel pretty good. I never cheated even though I was constantly bombarded by free food -- everything from Subway cookies at the local bookstore to brownies at a party I went to last night. But I didn't cheat.

    This morning when I weighed myself, I'd lost about 5 1/4 lbs.

    Although I'm ashamed to say I only exercised once (walked 1.5 miles in 30 min on the treadmill). That's a bad habit left over from the high school cheerleading days. I either diet like crazy while sittin' on my azz or I exercise like a madwoman while dining on ice cream. If I had exercised consistently this week, I could've lost 8-10 lbs.

    So my Week 2 Phase I / Week 1 Phase II resolutions are:
    1. To exercise more consistently while sticking to the meal plan
    2. To increase my water intake

    Thoughts? Suggestions?
  • Jelly - Congrats on the big loss! 5+lbs in 9 days in wonderful. WTG on resisting the tempting goodies.Try to set up a specific schedule of when you will exercise so that you don't find yourself at the end of the week and not having done much. I am finishing Day 3 so I won't have a report to share for a bit, yet.
    Keep it up!!
  • Thanks, babe.

    I took your advice and set up a schedule. Today went well. I finished up Phase I and exercised for 45 minutes. I rewarded myself with one Jumble cookie from Whole Foods.

    It's a little insurance that I won't cheat, and it kept me going these past 9 days. I counted calories, and I was still a little below 1300 for today with the cookie so I'm cool. I think I'll do this every Monday -- a lil reward.

    I've planned out my meals for this week and am cooking my lunches as we speak. Tomorrow morning I'll walk or run 1.5 miles...and then I'll do the same at around 6pm.

    Thanks for your support!
  • I lost 3lb this week!

    My exercise has been more consistent -- I've been walking/jogging 2 miles per day, 6 days per week. (On Wednesday, I rest...but it feels wrong. )

    I still need to increase my water intake, and I'm going to add more fish to my diet. I'll also try to add the elliptical machine to my exercise regimen.

    I love Fat Smash.
  • JellyBelly1908 the elliptical is a very good idea. I love that machine it really...really...really works. I have to get on it everyday, at least 30min. I burn alot of calories(depending on the resistance)!
  • Thanks for the advice, Miss Vee!

    Sooooo I lost two pounds this past week. I have been making some really tasty dishes and have satisfied by ice cream addiction using frozen yogurt.

    I didn't exercise so I still need to work on being more consistent with that. More water intake and eating 5x per day are also my goals for this next week.

    I can do it!
  • That was great, I am smashing again and am in day 3 of the detox phase and I have never been tempted so bad in my life everywhere I go people are offering me food...Where was all this free food when I wasn't dieting LOL!
  • Hi, jazzi! I completely understand. During my detox, I was being offered all sorts of free food. It was crazy!

    Well, this past week, I lost 3 lbs. My exercise still isn't consistent, but I start eating fish every day and drinking 1 cup of juice each day. I cheated 2x, but I didn't binge (1/2 candy bar one day and a lemon square the other day) and I kept my calories to a minimum.

    Soooo, I started Fat Smash on 8/19/07 so I've lost 13 lbs in (almost) one month from it.

    I feel great!

    Tomorrow I start Phase III, but I am following Dr. Ian's advice and incorporating one day of Phase I into each week of Phase III to make sure my body doesn't try to plateau. (Darn homeostasis!!!)

    I have already purchased some healthy whole weat pasta for tomorrow. I appreciate its return. Oh, and chocolate chip cookies are coming back too! But only about 2-3 times per week. I'll still mostly rely on fat-free fro-yo to satisfy my addiction.

    Well, I'm off to create my meal plan for this week!!!
  • 13 pounds in a month is commendable!!! keep up the great work!
  • Thanks, MadamePJ! You have such a pretty face!

    It's crazy. I always thought my body fought against losing weight, but it actually seems to WANT to be skinny again.

    I'm aiming for a minimum weight loss rate of 8 lb/month and a max of 15 lb/ month. Doing it healthy.
  • So this week I only lost 1 lb.

    *cries dramatically*

    It's that time of the month so I am fairly bloated so I won't let myself be too disappointed. Hopefully, I can lose 2 or 3 lbs next week!
  • Is anybody reading this?

    I only lost 1 lb this week. No excuses -- I cheated repeatedly due to an odd work schedule and not preparing my meals. I only exercised twice. I really controlled my calories which explains the loss of even 1 lb.

    I'll do better this week.

    Gimme some support.
  • hey girl.. you are giving me motivation!!
    i started back in july and lost about 9lbs and probably put em all back on.. .
    after reading your diary, i'm going to start again tomorrow!!
    its almost 11p here and i'm going to go for a walk lol and stop by walmart to stock up on my veggies and fruits... way to go!!
  • instead of creating a separate diary, i'm going to use yours

    i'm at 240 now and i plan to lose 40lbs by december 31...
    i have 3 months to lose 40lbs.. at a rate of 10-15lbs per month, this should definitely work... i might need all of your motivational support though, as it can get tough.

    jellybelly, can you type your meals for the week/day? i always find that to be quite helpful.
  • Hey, Mud! I love the screen-name!

    I usually do type up my weekly meal plans, but I didn't have time last week. I'm currently working on the one for this week. I just returned from the grocery store myself.

    Feel free to add on to my diary. It does wonders for accountability.

    Edited: You should also join the Christmas Challenge in the 100 lb Sub-Forum. I'm trying to lose 30 by Dec. 25th.