30 Something Chat Thursday Aug 23

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  • I don't know Shelia. You have put a smile on my face about your climb up and take advantage comment. I am not going to go out of my way to be nice to him that is for sure. He is suppose to go to our one friends house this evening to play cards. I was invited but I think I am going to decline and be in bed when he comes home. In a different one then we were sharing two nights ago.
  • Leslie will be 16 months on the 1st. I need to update the picture, as that one is from last year. Its my absolute favorite though. I'll find or take a current one in the next few days.

  • Sheila ~ it's good to have you back!!! LOL at your comment to Kerry. You are obviously feeling better these days! Your DH better look out after you've purchased some of that good wine that Laurie is recommending...:-).

    Laurie ~ That is so cool that you purchased a bottle of wine to give to your girls down the line. What a neat idea. Obviously, you've seen the movie, "Sideways?" Great movie. I love the line in it when the main character goes nuts over the thought of drinking merlot. This guy is a major lush and you'd think that he'd drink practically anything.

    Michelle ~ what is the plan with DH? I hope that things are continuing to look up for your family.
  • thanks joan yes he's in sacramento taking the test and phisical (sp?) it has turned him around i know he'll be more relived when they come back and except us fully it's the kid thing they have issues if you have more then 2 kids
  • hello!

    :birthday: Patricia!!!! Have a wonderful day!!! Congratulations on the 1 Lbs. loss!!!

    Hi Heather! I am sure by X-Mas you will see results! you are working really hard at it, good for you.

    Lauren 11 Lbs! I don't know much about wine, I hardly ever drink, but I will keep the suggestions handy! even for gifts ideas.

    John tank you so thinking of Sean and the meds, I will ask the Dr.

    Kerry I would be very upset if DH asked me to go to the other room. I am sure your classroom looks fantastic!!!

    KEN I know you mentioned in the past you do loans, we just heard on the radio I think it was Bill Handle (KFI 640) say the major of LA wants to declare LA in state of emergency cause all the foreclosures that are going on. In my opinion people should had thought of their future and their finances when they committed to the 1% interest only loans. He said something like 4% free money. The major was blaming the lenders for the foreclosures. Do you know anything about it, just curious.

    Angie congratulations on the loss 17 Lbs. is great!!!!

    RR you are brave to go to see the wiggles twice!

    Sheila how are things going? Are you doing better with DH? :Hug:


    As for me, well things are slowly getting back to normal. I am tired, I am out of the house by 7 to drive Sean to the day treatment program, it is not too far from my house, but traffic is terrible and same thing when I go pick him up at 3.
    On Sunday while I was in the shower I guess my cleaning lady called and DH answered the phone I had no idea she called, Dh had told me to call the cleaning lady and have her not come since we have so many expenses right now with Sean, I was kind of putting it off, I didn't want to call her, so anyway, Monday night he tells me he answered the phone and the cleaning lady was coming on Wednesday, that was great news, I didn't really want to clean and I really didn't want to not have the cleaning lady come. I have a good husband he is great. So yesterday I went and got a massage, it was so great! I really need it, I got deep tissue massage it was wonderful and it was a little over 75 minutes!!!
    Today I went to a new place I had no idea it even existed called dream dinners here is their link www.dreamdinners.com I met my friend Susie for lunch we had sushi, had not eating sushi in a while, I was having sushi withdraws LOL and another gal came too Deb, she told me she was going today to this place and wanted me to come with her, I couldn't say no, it was too tempting. So I went this morning, oh my G-d I love it! what a great idea! I prepared 6 meals, I am going to cook one of them tonight for dinner. Look at their site, it is really an awesome place!!! I better get my butt moving, I got to get to the gym before I pick Sean up!
    See you all later!


    after my massage yest
  • Hanna ~ I bought the "Dream Dinners" cookbook a couple of months ago and LOVE it! There are some great recipes in the cookbook. I'd like the convenience of going to the place and assembling but I really do enjoy cooking here at home. Sounds like you have a DREAM of a hubby!!!
  • Kerry: Just me talking here but I would put on a Hot little nighty and sleep in the other room, You know he wants to sleep and all. You can play with that to your advantage nicely, just don't cave the first 15 min he is sucking up, At least an hour the first time I have done that before for a week. Can't say that when the time actually hits that the draw and shoot is over fast but gets my point across.

    Joan ya the couseling has been working and I have been focusing on ME!! I am always focusing on my family but have forgotten sheila somewhere.....she is coming back to life.

    Hannah sounds like life is getting somewhat back to normal. The housing market unreal. My house 3 years ago appraissed for 75,000.00 now wyo homes are not as expensive as you all have but now it is 143,000.00. People are buying them. 4 bed double car garage 1 bath. yip.

    Happy birthday patricia

    Hey where the heck is MO? I bet she would like some wine and a little nasty talk of course about pancakes, whip cream, maple syrup {hot} butter, pecans, eggs, cheese, bacon must I go on.

    Rooster: Get your buns back on here and talk to us!!!
  • Joan: The true answer to your comment I better not get that good wine because I will break him!!
  • I just ordered fit flops read about on this site - the Does it Work part. I am probably crazy but the reviews were really good and I wear flip flops until it snows. Supposed to get rid of cellulite and tone your thighs and hips while walking. I have been trying to increase my steps to 10K a day so this may help. I will keep you all posted if this is a gimmick or not. There are at Bathandbodyworks.com and bliss.com.

    Here is the info
  • Good afternoon, everyone! I woke up to a loss of 1.2 pounds over yesterday's weigh in, so that put a smile on my face for the morning. I'm down a total of 6 pounds since coming home from our vacation on August 6th. I'm hoping to lose at least four more before the end of the month, but we'll see. I know I'm gaining muscle with the weighs I'm lifting, so that is cutting into my weight loss. But hopefully, that will mean I'll lose faster down the road.
    I had a test today for a job I'm applying for. I think I did really well on it, so I'm pretty sure I'll get an interview. Soooo... I have to go shop for something to wear to the interview! (And if I don't get this interview, I'll be getting an interview somewhere else, I'm sure...)
    So, we (DD and I) are headed out to the mall in a bit. I hope everyone is having a great day!
  • Oooh... I almost missed this - Happy Birthday, Patricia!!!
  • My afternoon went better. Ding Dong came home and was all lovely dovely. Didn't know why I was in a bad mood. I said could it be that you kicked me out of our room, because you needed your rest. I was the one who was more inconvienced by your selfishness last night. He said that he was sorry and that he would be the one to go sleep somewhere else in the house when he wanted to sleep alone. Well I am still going to sleep else where for a few days and see how he likes sleeping alone. He wanted to make up and I told him no that it was too hot. Which is true and worked to my advantage.
    Shelia thanks for your advice. I think I just might try that for a couple days. Sounds like Shelia's got her groove back. Glad your cousneling is helping. I know how hard it is to think about ourselves when we have a family to take care of.
    Hanna , glad things are working out for you. It must be a blessing to finally get the help you need. How long will Sean be in this day program? Glad you got a massage. That sounds relaxing and theraputic at the same time. I checked the website for dream dinners. That sounds like a wonderful program. Too bad the nearest one to my house is like 2 hours away.
    Laurie, those fit flops sound neat. Tell me how you like them. I might try a pair after I get a few paychecks with my pay raise on them. First have to take care of some bills that have fallen behind a little bit.
    Michelle glad things are finally looking up for your dh and your family.
    Lisa how did your interview go for Lane Byrant? Hope things are going well in your part of Ohio. My part is hot and yucky.
    Annie Marie hope enjoy your shopping trip. What kind of job would it be? Congrats on the 1.2 pound loss! Keep up the good work!
    Hi to everyone else! Hope you are all having a great Thursday.
  • Kerry: Good Luck! Make sure and dress extra pretty for bed time..... Don't act mad at all. A little honey goes further than vinegar!! AND BOY DOES IT EVER MAKE THEM THINK................
  • Sheila you crack me up! you are so smart! your DH is crazy for not appreciate you ALL THE TIME.
    Wow your home has appreciate it. Here in Southern Ca the prices are going down, we bought our home last year 2100 sf paid 610K, the prices are going down I think the comps to our house are about 570K right now. We have done a lot of upgrades in ours, we don't know exactly how much it would appraise at right now.

    Lisa I am so sorry I didn't mean to ignore you earlier, how are you doing? anything about the job yet? Good luck!

    Annie Marie have fun shopping

    Lauren are you getting your house tomorrow?? Yeah!!!!

    GG I hope you had a great day today! Happy birthday again!

    Roo where are you???? I am sorry this weight loss thing has been so difficult. Don't let it get you,

    Melinda where in the world are you???

    Kerry thank you for asking about Sean, I don't know yet how long he is going to be in the day treatment program. I though it was a good idea for him to complete the program (I was told it was 8 weeks long) and I wanted him to actually finish a program he started, but DH had another great idea, that I think he is right on, he thinks it would be better for Sean to start the school year at the same time as all the other children in his class, and be able to start there and finish there, so it is a longer placement and that would be the ultimate goal for him, we have a meeting with the social worker at the day treatment tomorrow at 2 PM I will find out more about it then. We have an IEP scheduled for the 11 of sept. (yikes I don't like the day, 9/11) with the school and county mental health I will have a better idea by tomorrow though.

    Laurie I am going to order a pair today, thank you for the link.

    I have to run, Sean is calling me.
