How often do you weigh yourself?

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  • How often do you weigh at home? It is hard for me to resist weighing everyday!
  • Every morning, after I've had my morning pee, completely naked. I really only count my numbers once a week--but I check myself every day. It helps keep me motivated to do that.
  • Every morning. I record it every day, too. I have my weight list going back over a year and a half (it's actually come in handy a couple of times, too, when I need to see what I weighed a year ago to see if I've been gaining or losing).
  • saturdays and wednesdays
  • Hello all. My second post in this forum. I weigh myself every morning but I don't make it count until my weigh-in day at the end of the week. I'm exactly like you Azure. After the first pee and naked. I'm also curious to see how my food and drink intake from the day before effects my weight. I try not to focus on the pounds as much as how my clothes fit tho. but I can't help myself in the mornings to take a peek anyway. lol
  • I weigh myself everyday, but I don't count it until my weigh in day I tried to weigh myself less often, but it was too hard!
  • After many experiments
    I weigh about every second day so there are no huge surprises but only count the ones on Friday and Monday. I take the average of those two and record it. Then there are things like road trips and vacations where I give myself about 5 days to undo damage before stepping on the scale.

  • Most mornings after using bathroom and stripping naked, unless I'm at BF's house (his scale is whack and I don't trust it....its enough to make anyone weep).

    If I've eaten late the night before or had a meal high in sodium for dinner I sometimes don't weigh myself because I don't want a dispiriting and misleading weigh-in to obsess over.

  • I can't weigh myself daily as I have a tendency to let the fluctuations bother me. Now that I am maintaining, I weigh weekly. While I was losing, I weighed monthly.
  • I weigh myself every Saturday morning. I was weighing myself everyday but if I saw a number I didn't like, it would ruin my day!
  • Quote: but only count the ones on Friday and Monday. I take the average of those two and record it.
    I love this idea! I never thought to do that. It seems the most realistic way to weigh. lol
  • Every morning, naked, after peeing, before eating or working out. I record every weight on a spreadsheet which calculates the running 7 day average.
  • I weigh any day I can manage to get in there after nursing ds but before eating. So usually 3-5 days a week. But I only count new lows when I am in loss mode. I never "see" ups. So sometimes I would have several "official weigh ins" in a row, sometimes I would have none for 3 weeks.

    Now that I am in maintenance I only look for the high flag and low flag weights. Anything in between just slides off my brain. Sometimes I record it, but I dont get emotionally vested.
  • Twice a day. In the morning as soon as I get up, after peeing, naked, before I've eaten anything. Then again in the evening just before I go to bed, naked, after peeing. I consider this restraint.

    Once in a while, I also weigh after working out, but usually only if I've worked out before eating anything. My weight is at it's absolute lowest then and it usually gives me a little boost.
  • I weigh myself on Saturday and Sunday mornings. First thing in the morning, after using the bathroom, before eating anything.