New to the site!

  • Hello everyone! I am new to the site and would like to say that I am so glad to be here! I've been lurking for a couple of weeks and finally decided to join. I am 29 years old and have been married for 8 years. My husband and I have 3 boys, ages 13, 12 and 4. The older two boys are from my husband's previous marriage but my husband has custody of them, making us a very busy family. I have always struggled with my weight but it wasn't until having our first child that my weight spiraled out of control. I have finally decided to take back control of my life and lose this weight. I'm so glad to have a forum where others are experiencing some of the same things I am. I hope to recieve as well as give encouragement while I'm here. Thanks!
  • Hi and to 3FatChicks

    You will find a lot of support here. I used to lurk too. I love posting now to give and receive support. You've come to the right place.