Why can't I find Atkins Dietary Supplements?

  • I have been away from this forum for quite some time and have decided to do Atkins once again. I used to take the vitamin supplements such as Dieters Advantage, Basic 3 and Accel. Have they done away with these? It's been that long and I haven't heard anything about why they aren't selling them anymore.
    Also, does anyone know where I can get something similar to these helpful supplements?
  • i think since atkins has gone out of popularity the past year or so - or at least its not as booming as it once was low carb products are more difficult to fine - have you tried netrition or another online store?
  • Hi
    Atkins company went broke and had to restructure. They quit making the vitamins. I take NutriSlim low carb dieter's basic multi vitamin version 2. whew! What a long name! LOL
    They are supposed to be quite similar to Atkins Basic formula. They are made by Nutraceutical Sciences Institute.
  • I have looked everywhere on line. I think I might look into the one BlueBirdLu recommended.
    Thanks, both of you!