That 70s Show -- On Our Way to Losing 70-ish Pounds 7/30-8/5

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  • I'm glad others were looking for this "niche" too!

    Ethereal -- darn it, I would've sent you my fat smash books had you posted you were thinking about trying it! Let me know what you think of your WATP DVD. I have one that has the option of "just music" -- Leslie's lips are flapping but nothing's coming out -- and that's my favorite (I think it's called "3 fast miles.")

    I did weights at lunchtime. I feel ALOT better about myself knowing that I am pretty strong -- and getting stronger. Esp. when I follow a muscular thin chick on the circuit and I upped my weight on all of the machines after her. She may be thin, but I am STRONG.
  • And remember -- I'm still looking for a volunteer to start next week's thread for our group!
  • Are you doing Fat Smash QueenJane? Sorry, I'm terribly forgetful sometimes! What do you think of it?

    I got the Walk Slim series, and I'm starting with the "3 Fast Miles" one, too. Eventually I want to buy the "4 REALLY BIG Miles" or whatever it's called (a fan of WATP gives rave reviews of that one in particular in the fitness videos section). Also got the Abs one, but I'm going to wait to do that until I adjust to 3 sessions of weights per week.

    Awesome work on the weights. Though I always wonder how much muscle is hidden underneath my "cover," and I'm dying to let it show, I'm probably the girl wandering after you and halving the weights and giving you jealous looks at the gym.
  • Way to go on the weights, queenjane! Awesome!

    Ethereal - good luck with WATP! I know you can do it!

    I got my butt to the gym, too, despite my mind saying "awww, but you worked out yesterday..why not take today off?" Got my weights in + cardio. Does anyone else use a Heart Rate Monitor? I got the Polar F4 monitor for my birthday and it is so cool. It's way more accurate than the calorie-counters on the machines.

    At my gym, they had the sign-up sheets for August classes out... I'm thinking about taking a "Guts and Butts" class. The instructor was there and I asked her about it - she said it's fast moving and totally focuses on the glutes and abs. I want to do it... but I'm worried I'll be too out of shape to keep up.
  • 2Fat: I haven't really attended a lot of gym classes, but in my experience the worst you can face is a little embarrassment (something I struggle with). I don't think they can kick you out, and even if you don't hit every step, imagine all the calories you'll be burning! A lot of instructors are kind and include easy and hard versions of most moves, or high/low impact. If they don't, just pace yourself and limit your range of motion if it starts to feel like too much.

    I think you should go for it! What woman doesn't want strong abs and a nice booty? The weight's gonna come off, so you better get everything ready underneath!

    I finished my first WATP workout. I did the Fast 3 Miles by accident, because the two DVDs in the case were mislabeled (they switched the names around), but that's okay! I did it anyway, and sweat well enough. I added a lot of energy and range-of-motion to some moves, but others I had to do restrain myself or get too tired, so I know I can work on this one for awhile before it gets too easy.

    The only other thing I can say is wow... that woman is crazy. I'm gonna try it next time with music only, no talking, and see if I can keep up.
  • Ethereal - thanks for the encouragement! I'll be at the gym again today so I'm going to try and find out more about the class. It's only 3 weeks long (due to school starting, I guess?) and Lord knows my gut and butt need the most work!

    I was just updating my meal plan for the rest of the week and it's going to be a challenge. We are having a "goodbye" dinner at Chipotle for one of our friends who is moving to Seattle tonight. I looked up the nutrition and think I'll be ok if I stick to the chicken soft tacos, but even for that, it's 650 calories!

    On Friday, DH and I are going camping with a bunch of friends and I know it's going to be brats, chips, know. DH picked up all the food last night and he came home with the type of hashbrowns you get at McDonald's...ugh! Those things are so yummy.

    To make matters worse, on Saturday we have a birthday party for DH's grandparents at Lonestar....and you know how it is... everything you want is everything that's not good for you! Not only that, my in-laws have some pretty bad eating habits. Every time we visit, I don't think we ever eat a meal at home, and with all of our family in town, I am sure it'll be the same story.

    If I can just make it through the rest of the week.....
  • We have our volunteer to start next week's post -- thanks Holly!

    Ethereal: No, I am not doing fat smash. I was GOING to do fat smash, but I realized a few days in that restricting certain foods only makes me want them more, and so now I am just calorie counting and using fitday. 3 Fast Miles is the only WATP that has the music only option. That woman's yammering on and on drove me INSANE, but I can do it if I don't have to listen to her.

    2F4MJ: Guts and Butts sounds killer! Let us know how it goes. I know how it is when you plan your meals and then unplanned things happen -- like eating out and eating in places with limited healthy choices. Do the best you can -- eat half portions -- and just know that being aware of the issues before hand will give you some power over your choices. And no matter what, you're probably going to eat healthier than you would have done before.

    Yesterday was 1256 cals, decent nutrition and 27g fiber. Down 0.5 again today...must be all that sodium draining out of my system. Power was out at our house last night so lots of stuff didn't get done that needed to get done. Will be running around like a crazy woman today. Going to try to get to the gym again at lunch.

    I did a my virtual model weight loss simulator today, though it doesn't look anything like me.

    Have a great day!


  • good day all.

    way to work it at the gym....and at home!!!

    I walked at lunch yesterday....I only had 1/2 hour, but it was better than nothing. It is finally cooling in the evenings- so it is time to walk the dogs. I have 2 St. Bernards.... so that is an upper body work out too.

    I love this site.. yesterday I jumped on and wasn't able to post and I feel like I miss out. (That is kind of funny.) did I tell you guys that I am a bit dorkey? hehe

    I have to agree about the muscle under the fat. I was working out religiously and wasn't loosing any weight, but my clothes were fitting way better. I had to lighten up on the weights, though. (lighter weights and more reps- burn fat where heavy weights and few reps build muscle) The gym instructor told me to go until you just can't do any more.

    Sticking to my eating plan. Everyone around me is doing WW. Have any of you tried that? I worry that after I lose the weight I will just gain it back... w/ extra. I have been rethinking the soda and have allowed myself one cherry diet pepsi a day. (for a diet soda, it is pretty good)

    chat later~ Sonie

    ps did the computer makeover- it was fun. I need to print the "after" and tape on the fridge.
  • Gosh I let this week get away from me!

    What's your weigh-in (if you care to share): 197.4....but it's TOM still

    How'd you do on last week's goal (and remind us of what it was): Badly. I had a terrible week. We'll leave it at that.

    What's your goal this week (it can be anything you choose): To try and take over the world...No..seriously...12-1400 calories, 4 days of exercise

    They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and recent research shows that people who eat breakfast weigh less -- so, what do you usually eat for breakfast? A kashi bar and soy milk, or PBJ, or toast and just depends!
  • Good morning! I had a pretty good evening myself. I almost caved into my husbands cravings for a "pizzone". But when I called they were out and wouldn't have anymore till today. He settled for subway thank goodness! And I resisted the fresh baked just out of the oven cookies!!!!!!

    Sonie - I know how you feel without the computer. I got mine fixed after weeks of doing without only to have the utility company cut the phone line at home! Hopefully that will be fixed by this weekend and I can talk at home instead of just during work breaks!
  • Quote:
    I have to agree about the muscle under the fat. I was working out religiously and wasn't loosing any weight, but my clothes were fitting way better. I had to lighten up on the weights, though. (lighter weights and more reps- burn fat where heavy weights and few reps build muscle) The gym instructor told me to go until you just can't do any more.
    I have heard that before. I go to a place similiar to Curves, and the weight training is essentially circuit training - but it's all resistance machines so the faster you go, the harder it gets. I was going in there with the attitude that I need to do as many reps as I can (which just makes it harder and I can't usually finish the set), but I'm wondering if I should go for a "slow and steady" approach - slower so that the resistance on the machine won't build, and so that I can finish the rep without my arms feeling like they're detaching from my body!
  • Here's my virtual model...Goal set for 145.

  • *whistles at Mary* Both the before and after look good to me!

    About weight training: I've done some research on this, and I won't say the "less weight more reps" approach is a myth exactly, but it's definitely exaggerated. Most women don't have the hormones to bulk up, and those of us losing weight at a steady rate don't have enough calories to get really built even using high weight/low reps. Everything I've read indicated that you can't build any substantial amount of muscle without a calorie surplus, and guess what - we're all very busy creating a deficit so we can shed fat! Rest assured you won't need to worry about becoming grotesquely muscular unless you get a little visit from the testosterone fairy and up your calories to ~2500 - 5000 per day!

    So for me, I work out just like a man. Roar?

    2Fat: Man, I miss Chipotle! I haven't been there in ages, but if I remember correctly they have the option of getting a normal "burrito," but in a bowl (without the wrap) instead. You could do that, and see if they have any to-go containers while you're still at the counter, then put half of the bowl into one before you start eating. You might not be terribly full at the end (drink LOTS of water/diet beverage to fill your tummy!) but you can have a piece of fruit or something before or after your dinner to fill in the spaces. Just an idea!

    Sonie: I totally know what you mean. I bring my laptop to work so I can play on the internet when I'm not busy! I'm a huge dork.
  • Oh Ethereal, I would marry a Chipotle chicken burrito if I could! I was just thinking about how hard it will be not to order the regular burrito this evening. Must...have...willpower!!!! That is good to know about the weight lifting. I should know that, too, since my DH lectures me all the time about how weight lifting will NOT make me bulk up, but give me definition while burning calories. By the way, I know we all complain about stretch marks - my DH actually has stretch marks on his biceps from when he lifted so much in high school. It's kind of gross but it makes me feel not so bad about my stretch marks!

    Wowee - those are some smokin' hot bodies, queenjane and sockmonkey! What a great inspiration!

    hahaha... I HOPE my boobs look that good/small when I reach my goal weight!
  • Hey everyone. Sorry I've been MIA the last week or so. I was out of town last Wed thru Saturday, then had company here until just a little bit ago.
    I am exhausted from taking them to the amusement park near us (Kings Island and Boomarang Bay water park)...we had toddlers out from 10am to almost 10pm 2 days in a row!
    This past Friday (the 27th_ was my bday, which included cake. And another piece of cake.

    I'm sorry. I also have not worked out since last Tuesday! ONE WEEK WITH NO WORK OUTS! My husband and my kids are going out of town in 2 days, they will be gone for FIVE days.
    I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to work out. And just reflect on myself. I never take time for myself and this weight is affecting my mental health.
    I thought I had a Dr appt this week. (We have only lived here about 7 months) so this is a new doctor. I made the appt 5 months ago, and called 1 month ago to find out again the exact date. Lost that piece of paper but knew it was this week, one day around 2pm. I called yesterday to confirm, and they have my name in the computer, but no appt! I am SOOOO mad.
    I was really looking forward to having my thyroid checked and talking about other issues (like going thru menapause in my 30s). And if I need anti-dep. meds or not, (never have used them, but I think I need something).
    So now I have to wait even longer to get in. I think the menapause contributes to the belly fat and how hard it is to get rid of.
    Okay, whew. Sorry, LOOOONG post. But I haven't checked in since before we left town and wanted to stop in.
    Keep up all the good work everyone!!!!