July 30-Aug 5th

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  • I had some responses to your posts, but until I got caught up I forget them all.

    As far as the 100 calorie snacks, I use one almost every day and count it as 1S...it hasn't hurt my weight loss at all.

    Joni - I'm OK with StalkerMom...I do like your new choice BTW.

    JM - it's good to see you posting again. I just hate those days when I pick up my DD with lack of sleep. Sometimes I have to just put her in her bed when we get home and let her - okay, make her - rest for a little bit or she can just be a bear!

    Lea Ann - I'll bet kickboxing is fun. I always liked doing taebo and thought about taking a kickboxing class.

    Ok, that's all I can remember for now...
  • Quote: Good luck Liz!

    Well I thought I was being good last night. Decided to go to Red Lobster and have some healthy fish! I didn't order fried I order some cajun spice thing and when it came out it was butter on top of fat with a side of fat. OMG it was delicious but more fat than any one human should ever consume. My body agreed and has been on strike ever since. That's what I get for making the effort to eat healthy fish! : ) Don't rain on my parade, I figured out a way to say fish is unhealthy, I'm running with it. Take that Mom!

    I hope everyone has a great weekend. I plan to rest, maybe force myself to the gym.
    Shannon... The sauces and things they serve with entrees are always tough to deal with, so I've gotten in the habit of asking for them on the side... When we do Red Lobster, I get the "Aztec Chicken", which is normally served with a chile/lime sauce.. The first time I had it, it was drenched with the stuff, so since then I just get it on the side and use very little of it... Honestly, the dish is better without it, but it makes a nice dipping sauce for the veggies...

    "On the side" has become my motto... Well, that, along with "Cut down more trees.. We have more than we need!!"
  • Juliemarie....trust me when i say Josie will find a schedule that works for her. My DFS has done just that. And yet we still have times when Mr Crabby comes home....and it's those night he usually goes to bed early! LOL

    Lynx: ok i'm going to admit I watched the scott baio show.....now that's 30 minutes of my life that i will NEVER get back. I was sooooooo in love with him back in the 80's......I'm just glad I grew up! It seems he didn't!

    Well last night was an Italian disaster......i actually have found a resturant that didn't have a "main course" salad. I will admit the food was very very yummy....some of the best i've had here in indy....but i'm back on plan today. WI today or tomorrow. I'm just wishing there was a way for the COD to access our journals online from LA At HOME. I love having everything online and HATE writing it in my book as well! (i figure printing it out is less cost effective than just writing it down). All for now Guy and Gals!
  • hmmmmmmmm...
    Pearl...I also like BonJoni too. Not only am I a Bon Jovi fan, but I think "bon" means good in French..so I would be good Joni...which fits me because I've often been called Ms. Goody two shoes for my saintly ways!
    But, Suzanne already changed me to Joni135 so I'll stick with that for now...maybe someday I'll change to BonJoni135...

    Dan/Liz - good luck on the contact....hope you're both wearing your lucky 'whatever' today! And feel free to come to my place anytime and cut down the frickin pine trees in my back yard...I only have a couple, but I really don't like them!

    Julie...hope you are keeping a book of all the nicknames you have for Josie...I've seen 'bean', 'ms crabby'....I'm sure you have a ton! How is it being back at work?

    Lea Ann - I definitely agree you need more calories. After your workout suck down a protein shake or some other form of good protein. Just the name kickboxing makes me hurt. I have a hard time with the kick part...but love the boxing part. Why don't you do a video of you in class and put it on You Tube???
  • Joni-yes there's bean (as in Josephine/Josie-bean). I don't know where it came from-I was singing the Momma loves the baby song and it just came out. . . There crabbypants, tater-tot, stinkerpot, hmmm-sure there's more. Oh yeah-sunshine! Mom always called me that in the mornings and I guess I just passed it on!
  • Hi All...I've been reading everyday and trying to keep up with everybody but it is so hard to remember so I can post personals....I'm going to try but i think I'm going to have to start getting a pencil and pad so i can make notes.......

    Amy- I'm feeling better every day thanks for asking

    Joni - I like the name you chose, I'm so impressed with everyones talent for giving you idea's...I really have no talent when it comes to stuff like that..no imagination The hands on hips thing for pictures, it's funny you brought this up because I noticed that in most of our pictures lately my eldest DD has her hands on her hips in every one....I asked her what was up with this and she said it makes you look slimmer ....she read it in some magazine that all the stars do it....and then I was watching Regis and Kelly the other day and saw it also.

    Dan and Liz - good luck, I hope you win...school supply shopping....I remember those days and so glad they are over....now I just go pick up a bunch on spiral notebooks and pens/pencils and i'm done except for buying those EXPENSIVE college books.

    Lea Ann - great job sticking with the kick boxing class....that actually sounds like fun.

    Well, I didn't do so well on the personals....my brain still doesnt seem to function in the memory department since all the surgery drugs....at least my eye sight seems to be back to normal.

    I had my follow up dr. appt. yesterday....the goods news was I can start walking on the treadmill slowly but still no heavy exercising...I feel like I'm getting so flabby, it's driving me crazy. Can start sit-ups etc..in two weeks. The bad news is that during our cruise next week, no water activities such as snorkeling, swimming, scub diving, nothing...I'm so disappointed. Oh well, I'll just spend some time relaxing.

    I have a scale that supposedly measures not only your weight but water and body fat. The weird thing is that the more weight i lose the body fat seems to go up instead of down. What is up with that? Due to working out for the past two years I have more muscle mass than ever in my life and this crazy scale says that I am between 60-40% body fat and it fluctuates greatly daily. Can this be right? Last time I had my body fat tested at the gym it was 27% but that has been several months ago. I'm thinking that the scale is not working or it's just not set right. I think i'm going to choose to ignore it.
  • Glad you're getting back to normal Carrie. Take it easy and don't overdo
  • Morning all!

    My nephew was finally born, Thursday morning at 12:44 AM. My poor sister's epidural never kicked in, so she had a totally natural labor. It was kind of awful. I have had 3 C-Sections, so this labor stuff was all new to me. Anyways, she is doing great now, as is the baby.

    Have a wonderful, skinny day!!!!
  • AHHHHH....what a beautiful baby boy!!! Congratulations!!! And Aunt Katie is looking pretty good herself.
  • Congrats!!!
  • Thanks Shannon

    Katie - Congrats on the new nephew...babies are great! My first grandson is due on Sept. 22nd and we are so excited. BTW...great new avatar
  • Morning all,

    Well, I didn't win the contest, but am super happy that I made it to the final round. Next time. Not only that, the scale showed me up 2lbs this morning. Not sure from what, but I will lose it again.

    Katie - What a gorgeous baby boy. With my second, I didn't have time for any meds. He was so ready to come out, we didn't make it into the emergency room. Born right there in the hospital parking lot just as they got me into the wheel chair. So there is one I will never forget. LOL

    Joni - love the new name. Must have been hard to chose which one you like the best. There were so many of them.

    Well better get to work. Have to get in a estimate for a project by todya. Talk to all later. Have a great POP day.

  • Yeah.. Danny's birth was pretty exciting.. It's certainly something he'll never let us forget either... Sometimes I wonder if his "unique" personality hasn't partly developed due to the unique nature of his birth..

    Think I might have tweaked my back again during the workout last night.. I'm getting a burning sensation in the right shoulderblade area, where I had some pain earlier this year... I'm going to go back to the chiropractor tonight and let him work on it...
  • awwwwwwwwww, Katie...........I have had "the fever," for a few weeks now.........and you aren't helping What an adorable little baby Your poor sis.......I did 2 drug free.....and I tell ya.......it's the most exhausting thing in the world. The baby is adorable. What are his stats?

    Good morning everyone
  • Katie - congratulations on the new family member....thanks for sharing the cute picture too. At his size, I wonder what LAWL plan he would be on???

    Ah, Mama Nicole....step away from the DH....step away from the DH!!! On second thought....a little baby girl..awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

    Carrie - a cruise....??? I wanna go too.