Growing Up I Hated ......

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  • Growing up I hated it when my mom would spray spray starch...yes that's right! spray starch in my hair for school picture day.....maybe that is why I look like this today

    What did you hate growing up?
  • I hated the lack of furniture in the house (2nd floor apartment) we lived in. There was no living room set (a couple of kitchen chairs in front of a black and white tv in one room, a bed in front of a small black and white tv in another room), no dining room set, no carpets (leading to frequent splinters), no telephone....for 12 years until we moved. My father didn't feel any of those things were worth spending money on. He never really got past that immigrant "poor on the farm and that's the way to live" mentality. This was in NYC in the 1970s.
    He also had other emotional and psychological problems that made life not so great but I'll forgo those. Basically, an extremely difficult person to live with.
  • I hated the fact that my mom was so neurotic and was very critical and demanding of me. For example, one time in high school I took an advanced class where I could get college credit for it if I did the test at the end of the year and I came home all excited because I had made the highest test grade in the class which was an 94. I had really worked hard and studied hard for that test. My mom goes "oh that's great honey but next time you need to do even better." Then she starts ranting about how I don't study and how I'm lazy when it comes to my schoolwork. I always made As in all of my classes and Bs in my math classes all of my life. She stressed me out to no end and still does to this day. I told her recently that she needed to be the one that was on medication when I was a kid not me! She's on medication now but I don't think it's strong enough, lol.
  • I hated living in the country. I never new how great it was until now. I trade the hustle and bustle of the big city life in a heartbeat for a little peace and quiet, no traffic, and star filled skies. Ahhh but I married a city boy so I'll just dream.

    "Green Acres Is The Place For Me"
  • salmon. We fished for it every year, and came home with 50-60. Subtract 5-8 to take to potlucks, and you're still left with nearly one a week. The first night was baked salmon, and then mom started to get creative: leftover salmon, fish stew, salmon loaf (like meatloaf), salmonfish sandwiches, even salmon pizza. Us kids got to the point where we'd celebrate when our parents went out, because it meant we got to eat hot dogs.

    It took me about 10 years, but now I love salmon. My parents don't fish for it anymore, and I moved away from the source. So, now I pay ridiculous amounts of money per pound for it. Just goes to show, you don't know what you've got till it's gone!

  • I hated that my mother was so old fashioned. "Ladies" didn't play sports- well, guess what, I was a sporty lady, LOL. She just could not accept that in me, she wanted me to sit like all the dainty girls in the neighborhood and dress up and have tea parties with my dolls. Sadly for her, I had mud on my face and played tag football with the boys, lmao.

    Oh, and I used to hate when my grandmother took baths in Lysol. The bathtub looked gross after she took her bath in it. Ick, ick, ick!
  • being poor! My parents tried their hardest to make sure we were not really aware of being poor... but some things just pointed it right out... like a home-made "Cabbage Patch" doll, Maxie instead of Barbie, not being able to do sports or go to camp with the rest of my campfire troop... I hated it!

    although... I will say that the government cheese was delish! *LOL*
  • Growing up I hated:

    Going to Sunday School

    Eating Brussels Sprouts and my Mom's homemade "hash" (overcooked roast beef with leftover baked potatoes and practically no salt. I had to smother it with ketchup to get it down--it was my Dad's favorite)

    Wearing dresses (okay, still hate that!) I was the first girl in my elementary school to wear pants to school! I was a little afraid (3rd grade) but got over it quickly. You know how cold it is to walk to school in the snow in a dress?!?!

    I hated getting beat up by my older sisters, I am the baby and they are 5-6 years older than I am. My mother worked and with no dad being around they really let me have it sometimes...even now we do not have the best relationship. I hated the emotional abuse that we went through as well. No wonder all of us were fat as kids, we ate for comfort and there was always plenty of high fat comfort food that was cook for dinner! Even today my mother and I are the only 2 that are not really overweight. My 2 bully sisters are both very heavy. So I guess the only good thing is that I learned/or am learning to control my eating and they just dont care.
  • I hated sharing a bedroom with two sisters.

    I have to say, there's not much I hated about growing up. When I look back on those days, they were the best years of my life. well, some of the best.
  • oh - you guys reminded me... When I was about 10 or 11 I had to share a room with my then 2 year old brother - it was ****! He was still in a crib but had figured out how to crawl out of it, or get up by the light switch and wake me up by turning it on and off...

    also - spinach! from a can... gag! mom and dad tried to make me eat it but I wouldn't... I loaded up my fork and aimed it at my dad and he laughed because he didn't think I'd do it... but then I did! It plopped onto his shirtsleeve and as soon as he was done laughing - I got sent to my room for the rest of the night... but you know what? I didn't have to eat that @#$$#$% canned spinach!
  • The only thing I can remember that I "hated" growing up, Was when my Mom would trim my bangs!! By the time she kept cutting to "get it straight" it would be too SHORT!!!! UGH!!!
  • My dad was a huge fan of shaped note music singing. We used to spend every Sunday after church and many Saturdays at these singings. I absolutely hated it! It felt like pure misery as a kid, having to sit inside a hot stuffy unairconditioned church or building all afternoon.
  • Sunday school. After a relatively Pagan childhood and growing up as the tomboy eldest daughter of a musician, it was hard to come to terms with Dad suddenly getting religion, stuffing me into scratchy tights and lace dresses and hauling me off to a place filled with adults who treated me like a baby (when, at 6, I was used to being pampered and talked to like a grown-up by all of Dad's stoner bandmates!).

    I hated it when my mother brushed my hair. More like she scalped me! And would grow impatient when I'd wimper, like it was my fault.

    Vegetables! If it wasn't dumped from a can and then cooked for another hour just to make sure it was mushy and tasteless, then it wasn't fit for our table. It took me a long time to realize veggies were meant to be eaten crisp and hey, guess what, really delicious!
  • Going to sleep with hard plastic rollers in my hair on Saturday nights.

    Sleeping with my sister who often wet the bed.

    Eating peas, beets. brussel sprouts, etc. I once vomited all over my plate after my mom made me eat peas. She never did again after that.

    Cleaning the toilet on Saturdays. I have 4 brothers.

    Rinsing out poopy diapers in the toilet for my mom. I have 7 brothers & sisters.

    Detasseling corn. My first real job. Especially because I'm short. It was ****.

    Getting punched in the arms by my big brothers.