What can i do???

  • okay...ive been doing really good....and i diet alot....so im always going up and down on the scale....but i find it when i loose 10-15 lbs people start telling me how well im looking.....and then i go on a junk food benge....what can i do to avoid that?!?!??!?! Im so clueless!!?!?!?!??!
  • All I can say is...don't buy the junk food. Don't bring it into the house and don't take change to work to buy junk food out of the vending machine. Soon, you'll discover you don't need it. I barely even look at our vending machine at work. and the last time i went to the grocery store after a gym session...i was sooo hungry. I was picking up some healthy food for the week and while i was in line, i kept looking at the candy bars. Finally I decided i was just going to wait until i got home and then it hit me....Duh....I had bananas in my cart. I ate a banana on the way home and felt full and proud of myself that i made a good decision. I still have a milky way sitting beside my bed from about 2 months ago i bought it in the check out line.

    That's great that you are getting compliments. You just have to decide that you really like hearing them and keep yourself focused on your goals. I log in my foods in my fitday every morning at work and it helps keep me on track. If i think i may want to go get a candy bar out of the vending machine, first i have to log it into fitday and see if i like my numbers. I love seeing 1200 calories and my fats in the low 20's, and my proteins and carbs in the 30's. That makes me feel good about myself that i am eating healthier.
  • Quote: okay...ive been doing really good....and i diet alot....so im always going up and down on the scale....but i find it when i loose 10-15 lbs people start telling me how well im looking.....and then i go on a junk food benge....what can i do to avoid that?!?!??!?! Im so clueless!!?!?!?!??!
    I'm sorry, I just can't relate to that.

    I find compliments so darn motivating. They propel me to stay on plan even stronger. Perhaps you can use those compliments to keep you going as well. And away from whatever you're binging on. I agree with Lumifan to not keep your binge foods on hand.

    Maybe you've got some underlying issues here that is keeping you from your goals. Perhaps you should take a good look at yourself and decide how you really and truly want to spend the next few years. Bouncing around those 10-15 pounds or getting to the healthy goals that you've set for yourself. Good luck to you.
  • it's kinda weird, i find comments on weight loss specifically hard to handle. if someone simply says "you look really nice today." that's one thing, but when my size is zeroed in on it makes me extremely uncomfortable... then, i'm also really uncomfortable when it feels like someone is watching me eat (even my husband). i just feel like how much i've lost, or my relationship with food is no one else's business, and when people try to make it their business, it upsets me. maybe that's a bit out there, but i think it's because as a kid, my parents were overly critical/judgemental.

    anyway, i can totally see well-intended compliments being a binge-trigger. i just do my best to change the subject and pretend i didn't hear anything. i realize it's rude not to be grateful for the nice remark, but if it makes me feel badly, then i'm really not all that grateful. :/
  • Not keeping junk food around is a good idea to start with, but I'd also look for another issue. If, as you say, it's a recurrent pattern, maybe you need to address it. Is it because you're feeling proud and becomes complacent and think that now you can eat that food because you've been "good" and "deserve it"? Is it perhaps because you suddenly feel frightened that the comfort of the old weight is going away and it's starting to show? Something else? (As an example, I've always had a hard time going down past a certain weight, until I realized that I was actually afraid of losing more: what if I were at a normal weight, but still looking awful, with huge bulging thighs and all, and looking completely ridiculous? It took me quite some time to come to terms with that, and I do hope I really did and it's not only an illusion, heh.)

    Not saying that it's necessarily an issue per se, but it's a possibility worth inquiring, because if it is, then you'll never stop bouncing those 15 lbs around until it is solved, and I bet you don't want that to happen.
  • Quote: okay...ive been doing really good....and i diet alot....so im always going up and down on the scale....but i find it when i loose 10-15 lbs people start telling me how well im looking.....and then i go on a junk food benge....what can i do to avoid that?!?!??!?! Im so clueless!!?!?!?!??!
    In addition to what others have said about trying to use those compliments as motivation rather than triggers, I honestly think the bigger issue here is the first part of your post, that you "diet a lot" and are "always going up and down on the scale." To me, these are both HUGE red flags. You need to work on your weight loss mentality. This has to be a lifestyle change, and while I think that term now gets tossed around so much it seems cliche, it is true. If you reform your habits into good, healthy eating habits rather than black-and-white dieting or not dieting, I'm willing to bet money the binges will be easier to avoid, regardless of what others say. If you allow yourself treats in moderation and work lots of yummy foods into your normal eating routine, you may not feel that same deprivation and need to binge when you get a compliment.

    It's been proven that yo-yo dieting will only make it harder and harder to really lose weight and keep it off, so kick the dieting to the curb
  • Hold on to your reasons! Arm yourself with knowledge. Most people who make comments like "haven't you lost enough" don't know how you look in underwear. They don't know how your jeans fit. They don't understand BMI or body fat percentage. They don't know how squishy your abdomen feels when you do up your pants.
    You need to know what you are doing. Others can't know what you're thinking and planning -so- they shouldn't be part of the planning process.