Are There Really any Beauties?

  • I found this video amazing on a technical level but a very sad commentary of our world.

    Any comments?
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    Can you check the link?
  • I don't understand your question - she was a beauty at the beginning of the video I do think it's important when judging our own appearances, not to base our self worth on the make believe crap peddled by advertisers. Models have such tiny waists because the excess is slimmed down. Models have such perfect skin because it's air brushed. Models have such bright blue eyes and perfect white teeth because it's enhanced, etc etc.
  • I hope this works.
  • I agree she wad a beauty on her own. My point was why do we feel we need made up perfection.
  • Good question, settie. Where do you think it comes from? It seems as though every culture has ideas of what "beautiful" is--and often they are very different ideas from one to another.
