My First Day on LAWL

  • Hi all! You may have seen me around some of the threads the last week.

    Today was my very first day on LAWL. I have never done this program before but have tried and failed at many diets. The funny thing is when I started "dieting" I was around 165 lbs (3 yrs ago)!

    Anyways, I started today with Take Off and it hasnt been too bad. I am not a big meat and veggie eater, so right now I want some bread so bad! But I will stay strong (its just 2 days, right?). From what I have seen on other threads people sometimes go back to Take Off when the weight loss stull's. I dont wanna do this ever again, so I hope I can get the weight loss I want with just following the normal plan and exercise!

    I look foward to meeting others and working on this weight loss, one step at a time!
  • Glad to hear that your first day is going well. As the old saying goes "this is the first day of the rest of your life"......
    This site has some amazing people to help you if you have questions or need inspiration.
    One of the first things I did was to look at the journeys of some of the losers who have been successful. It helps alot, I believe.

    Lynn - another "Junction Road" loser
  • I'm glad your first day is going smoothly. I've tried other plans too without much success. (I got really good at manipulating my WW points to be mostly junk food.)

    Anyway, this plan seems to be working well for me. I think having to weigh in so often really helps keep me on track.

    Good luck with your journey. I'm sure you will do well!
  • Welcome Jennifer! This is the plan that will work!!!
  • Hi Jennifer -- nice to meet you!!!!

    WTG on starting with LAWL- it has helped me a LOT -- and being amongst the group here has too!!!!!!! AS for what you're doing now -- there is something about that drink that makes doing it a bit easier....and I thought it tasted pretty decent.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

  • Hi everyone! I have been with LAWL since February and I have come to the part of the plan where I have hit a wall!!!!!!!!! I have not lost any in the last 6 weeks I keep going back happy that I have stayed on plan to find out I am up ounces to lbs. I have been reading up on all the advice from everyone and I have started the 21 day boost today with the take off starting today I hope all this torture will help somehow! I wanted to thank everyone for all the great advice, recipes and stories I don't know if I would of got through these last couple of months without this website. Thanks again.