Why do I do this?

  • Hey,

    I just want some support, some place to vent, like most people.... I've been doing well with my new way of eating (body for life). I like the exercises, the food, how it makes me feel both physically and mentally and emotionally...it's a good turn in my life. This weekend I noticed that i relied too heavily on meal replacement bars (which in some cases bear an uncanny resemblance to candy bars.), so I eschewed them from my diet, opting for small meals I made in advance or are easy to eat... I told my husband that I'm trying to really make this work, and in real life, to be able to cope with real life and it's unplanned foods... I was feelin' groovy..
    This weekend I also got very sick ( I suspect those meal replacement bars..), so I was shot Sunday as far as my work out. I ate ok, my husband made me salmon at night, and it was tasty.

    So I get up this morning, and the first thing I go for is raisins, then a sandwhich, and it kept going. It's like I'm looking for something I can't find and eating food out of the process of elimination to find waht I want. I am now somewhat melancholy, somewhat disapointed. I'm trying not to let it get me down, as that won't help, but i don't know why I would abandon something that makes me feel so good for something that makes me feel sluggish and nasty? Am I trying to cope with something emotionally and I am turning towards food? What is it? I don't get it.... I am going to a wedding this weekend, I'll be gone for a few days. I understand and accept that i won't totally be on plan the whole time. Honestly, I don't intend to be strict every day, but why mess up today? We're not leaving until Thursday...

    I just don't get it, and I worry that until I do get it, I'll always have this cycle. Gah.Thanks for giving me the space to vent. I appreciate it.

    I also notice that when I am feeling down about my weight or appearance, that's when all the pretty young thangs put on thier 'clothes' (i.e. bandaids and dental floss) and prance around the store, or people talk about weight, or something else draws attention to it...
  • When you got up, you went for raisins, a sandwich (now, these don't like bad things), what were you supposed to have for breakfast/lunch? I have all my meals planned out and I really like them (for example, I love waking up to waffles/peanut butter) so it's not a big hardship to stick with it.

    Good work easing up on the reliance of meal replacement bars, most of them are like candy bars!
  • Hi Opticalgoddess,
    I believe we've all been there, we're we act on impluse and do whatever until we feel rotten inside.
    We can't explain why we do what we do, I only know that when we are reaching or searching or desiring food as a way of comforting us, we are really searching for something else. I believe my Dear, that's something we each have to figure out.
    As far as losing weight goes, we all have the drive to want it. It's like what makes clean our house, go to work, make dinner or whatever we need to, that same drive is what allows us to want to lose weight.
    I know you can do it, because I've felt the same way and done the same thing as far as the eating this and that goes.
    But the one thing that makes a difference is telling yourself that you can lose weight, that you are special and that you are worth something.
    It's true! No one with a defeated mentally accomplishes anything, but with a victorous attitude with can accomplish the immpossible.
    Now that you have vented, let's get back on the ride and lose that weight. I'm in the same boat as you are.
  • I agree with giving up meal replacement bars. Even if you lost 50 pounds on meal replacement bars, what do you do when it's time to return to real food again?? I look at my "diet" as learning to eat for life.

    The only real advice i can give is to make sure you have your meals for the day planned out. Anytime I am out of my breakfast items, I become clueless about what to eat. Like, I have got to figure out what I am going to have tomorrow for breakfast because I am out of my egg muffins and I don't think i'm going to have time to go by the store tonight to get more egg whites. YIKES!!! I may actually have to have something like tuna for breakfast. hahahaha. I can already see the faces people on here are making at the thought of tuna for breakfast. ...but really, i can eat anything for breakfast. And I am very picky about having lots of protein for breakfast instead of fats and carbs. But planning is the most important tool we have for winning the war against fat. If i write a book that is going to be the first chapter...planning, planning, planning. lol.
  • You say you have a plan. Do you write down what you are going to eat in advance? Do you just wing it? Do you have a planned exercise routine? Or do you just wing it? For me I have to write down and keep my calories at a certain level. When I have eaten that amount of calories for the day and exercised I do not eat anymore until the next day. If I want something not on my plan for the day I tell myself I can have it the next day if I include it in my daily calorie allowance. Usually by the next day I don't want it.
    Just a few suggestions. Good luck.
  • Hey Goddess! Feel free to vent about your difficulties. That's one of the good uses of the Support Forum.

    I imagine that being sick didn't help matters. It's really hard to stay on a weight loss plan when not feeling well. In fact, some folks just try to maintain when they get sick.

    I tend to agree with the other posters--it helps to have a plan. I don't know exactly what I'm going to eat every morning, but I do have a few different "breakfast" scenarios to choose from, and I have the foods on hand. That way I'm not so tempted to pick up whatever sounds good.

    I don't know why these things happen. Only you can answer that--and sometimes there isn't an answer. Or the answer might be different the next time.

    Just get back on your plan as soon as possible! Make sure you have good foods around, and if there are any you shouldn't eat for awhile, try to get them out of the house.

    Keep going! You can do this!

  • Even though raisins and a sandwhich don't sound that offensive, it triggered something in me, and I ate donuts and chocolate through out the day...with out feeling satisfaction, just searching...in some ways, it could be much worse...at least I didn't eat as much as I could...it just feels bad to lose control...
    I'll just cross off the day and start over tomorrow, not trying to 'make up' for today or anything, just start again...at least, if I am learning from my behavior even small things, it's a start in the right direction.
  • I also plan plan plan. I get my meals for the whole day (minus dinner) ready the night before. Something for breakfast when I am getting ready to leave at 6 (instant oatmeal, yogurt, slim fast shake...), something (yogurt or fruit usually) for my 9:30 break, something for lunch (lean cusine, salad, sandwich..), something for my 2:30 break (100 cal pack, fruit, carrots..whatever) and then I eat whatever for dinner..just in smaller portions and I skip the bread if I can. (I'm a HUGE carb lover.)

    Just be sure to plan and eat ONLY that. Like tomorrow, my coworker asked if I would please eat a piece of spice cake for his bday. I said no over and over (I've already had to say no to bday treats 3 times and this is just my 4th week on my "lifestyle change") and then finally said, "yes, I'll do it. I'll just plan around it tonight and the rest of the day tomorrow." I'm under my calories by a lot tonight and plan on a salad for lunch tomorrow so I should be fine. But I had to PLAN for it. I can't wait to have a treat to tell you the truth!

    Also, diet soda......it only makes me crave sweet things more. I don't know if you drink it or not but it's true. I had one about every other day when I first started and now I have one maybe once or twice a week. I don't even need it and it was my crutch before. I NEVER thought I could go to the store and NOT buy soda. I did for the first time ever last week. Anyway, when I don't drink it I don't crave sweets as much either. Kinda nice!

    Sorry I went off, just thought I'd give you some ideas because I know I really needed them when I came here.

    Good luck to you. Stay on track the rest of the week so you can have fun at the wedding!
  • Thank you all for your support and suggestions...
    Looking back at the day, my downfall was not planning my meals, and kind of giving into my emotions, rather than getting a handle on it early on.
    I do plan out my work out and stick to them.... I don't drink soda...
    yeah, my big mistake was not having food planned out or prepared. Today was the first day w/ out the meal replacement bars, and I think not having those as a plan a,b,c..
    Planning is what I need to do. Even today I do much better than in the past... normally when I eat my mini-meals I am not hungry at night, but I have planned something to eat if I'm ravenous. I'm still learning how much to eat, based on my work outs and what not. It's a whole learnign experience.
    Yeah, I messed up, but I don't feel as hopeless as I have in similar situations in the past...slowly..slowly...slowlly