Green beans?

  • Is it okay to boil the green beans or do they have to be steamed or grilled? I don't like steamed vegetables so I was hoping I could boil them. Also can I boil cabbage?

  • I think "they" would say raw or steamed are the best because they contain the most nutrients BUT if you will not eat them then boiled is better than choosing something other than vegs. How do you cook cabbage? I've always wanted to know - I remember my Grandmother cooking it but I don't know how to do it.
  • I was always taught to boil it and just add salt and pepper to taste, but my boyfriend's family cooks it in aluminum foil on the grill. It is really good either way. I just don't know if I can cook it like that while on FS.
  • I have always "kind of" steamed them both --- put all the veggies in a pot and add some water, but not a lot and cover and keep checking, adding little water at a time..keep everything nice and green - salt and pepper and/or other seasonings, and sometimes vinegar I really like rice wine vinegar..very yummy!
  • You'll lose some of the nutrients by boiling, but if it gets you to eat veggies, then go for it! Also, save the water you cooked the veggies in for making your rice so you can use some of what you lost from the veggies in the cooking liquid.