WARNING: telling yourself you're fat

  • I sat "I'm fat" out loud all the time and don't really think anything about it, it's a habit I guess but this morning My son who's 3, looked at me while I was doing my hair and said "you're fat mom"

    I couldn't believe but I guess thats what happens when you say it around them all the time.

    As much as it did kinda hurt my feelings I realize he doesn't really know what he's saying.

    My biggest worry though as that he might start calling himself fat, That would really make me sad

    I'll be paying better attention as to what I say in front of him from now on!
  • My daughter tells me I'm fat, and she laughs and points when I change clothes in front of her. She's 4. I think that it's hard when kids are honest, but the good thing is that they love you. Unconditionally......I try to remember that.

    Hang in there!
  • Working with children I've had kids tell me that I'm fat before. It shocked me the first time - she said it so matter of fact. She didn't intend it to be an insult, she just said "You're fat". I told her that wasn't a nice thing to say about someone.

    But yeah, I think we're all guilty of calling ourselves fat at some point or another. Even if it isn't out loud. I keep having to complete the sentence when I catch myself saying that. "I'm so fat.... but I'm doing something about it!"
  • I never say I'm fat, and I honestly don't think I'm fat, I say I have fat, but that's different, everyone does! When I weighed 250 lbs. I still never said I was fat.....but now that I've lost 55 lbs. I look back at those pictures and say "geez I was fat!" Interesting how that works.
  • I say I'm fat all the time, but never around children, though I haven't called myself fat since I lost 10 pounds (15 pounds down now, and getting more and more confident every day!).

    Children are ungodly blunt. Getting called fat by a kid definitely hurts, but we all know they mean nothing by it.