Who ate like a pig yesterday?

  • I did I did!! And the day before too! Iccckk. I did well all day Tuesday, then I went to a friends house that night after supper and I ate a hotdog (I did manage to say NO to the chili and mayo) and some Dorito's and French Onion Dip. I was so mad at myself.

    Then yesterday I ate with my family....Grilled Chicken, Mutton, Pork, Beer Beans, Cheesy Potatoes, homeade rolls, salad and 7 layer pie...I didn't eat as much as I normally would, and I filled half my plate with salad, but I still ended up eating about 1100 calories for that meal because I went back for seconds. THEN last night I ate McDonald's because I was in one of those "I already blew it for the day, might as well go big" moods. Bleeehhh.

    But I am back on track today. Fixin to hit up the gym for some cardio since it is raining outside. I just wish I could control myself. How am I ever going to make this a life long change if I eat Mickie D's all the time?
  • I was actually relatively good yesterday, but I wouldn't have been if I went out drinking. I didn't, though, because I didn't want to be rude to my friend who was mixing drinks; I knew he would be offended if I declined the mixed drinks, so I just blew him off.

    It also rained here, so no BBQ.

    I totally feel you on those "I already blew it for today, why bother?" moods. I've done that before... I decide that I've already royally screwed up my diet for a specific day and then just splurge or eat something ELSE that I shouldn't just because I feel like it's no use.
  • I didn't eat too bad yesterday, but the day before, i got off work early and stuffed my face with $10 worth of taco bell, which is a ton of food!! uggh...i felt so miserable afterwards and guilty. yesterday i ran 7 miles to make up for it though.
  • I had a horrible day and treated myself to a junky comfort food. While my calories were still within plan, I'm REALLY trying to break this "use food to cheer myself up" habit, so I'm disappointed in myself.

    Oh, well. We live and we learn, right? Besides, I think it's a good thing that these behaviours make us feel so bad/gross now when they wouldn't before: our mindsets have totally changed! That's something to be proud of.
  • Oink oink, count me in for totally blowing it yesterday.

    I am back on plan with a vengence today though. It feels SO good to be back on plan though. i was SO depressed as i went to sleep last night. I kind of like the guilt after a splurge...it forces me to get back on plan.
  • I'm so glad you started this thread, Sockmonkey70. I have been having anxiety attacks over my transgressions.

    On Tues we drove 500 miles to DH's DS and DIL. I had all good, healthy stuff to eat in the car. Unfortunately, I brought along a small box of Wheat thins for DH and then I ate a buch of them. I will say that the box is not empty and DH ate quite a few, but still...why can't I stay out of his food?

    While we have been here, I ate what they fixed in moderation, but then they brought out a huge block of cheddar cheese and Ritz crackers for the kids to snack on. The kids didn't eat it all, so I ate what they left behind...I don't know how much, but any cheese is too much. It is a trigger for me.

    We went to a party with fireworks etc. I ate there. The hostess, who I don't know at all, was trying to be nice by encouraging me to help myself.

    It is not like I ate huge amounts of any forbidden food, so that is good, but I know that it all adds up. It makes me nervous that these little indescretions will get me off track and I won't be able to get back. I have done so well so far. I ate more junk this holiday since I started changing my eating habits back in January.
  • I actually made it out ok.

    Ate a hotdog but I worked out and ate more healthy foods besides that for the day.
  • I BLEW it yesterday, but I don't feel too bad about it. I had a hamburger, cheese hashbrown casserole thing, bean dip & chips and then a little of a lot of different things from the dessert table.

    Today I am back on track with my eating but I have lost my motivation for exercising. For some reason I just feel exhausted. I somehow have to motivate myself - any tips?
  • I actually did very good. I went to two different cookouts, but was unable to finish my plate at either meal. It suprised me.
  • not me not me. I did that on 6/30