Need your advice after a BAD week!

  • I've been having great success with my eating and exercise program for 10 months now, and although I've had "learning experience" days (i.e., made bad food choices), I've never had a "run" of them.

    This past week, Ive been having some terrible days - starting out really great with breakfast & lunch, and getting in my exercise, but ending up with binging starting in the late afternoon and continuing into the evening.

    My head tells me that I've come too far in my weight loss journey to want to go back - I've experienced so many benefits - and I'm deathly afraid of reverting to my old ways of eating.

    For those of you who have been through this - what have you done to get yourself back on track? I need your wisdom and perspective!
  • First of all congratulations on how far you've come! Your doing great. I recently had a bad week too and felt as though I would never get out of my slump. I just had to sit down and go through my old posts and blog entries and read about the many days I had that were good and all of the reasons I began my journey to begin with. After that, though teary eyed I was renewed to the committment! You have just 23 lbs left you can do this - just go back to day one and recommit!

  • Bethel, it is very difficult to stay OP for a long time. You have to continue to recommit each and every day. If it doesn't work one day, recommit again the next. You've done great and worked too hard to give up now. I'm in the same position. After 15 months, everyday is a struggle and I'm not seeing the results I did a year ago, I had even gained a couple of pounds, although I've taken them back off again. Like you, I've come too far to go back now.

    I recently located a picture of me, taken just before my journey began and printed it next to a current photo. That helped to see my accomplishment. I've put it on the wall next to my computer at work for a constant reminder. I thimk I'm going to print one for the refridgerator at home.

    Bethel continue to come to this board, it really helps alot. Keep up the good work!!!!