Wow I thought I looked okay til...

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  • I took some pictures of myself today and I was so embarrassed that I allowed myself to gain back up to this. I know I looked a little over weight but not this much.

    I'm soooooo ready now more than ever! Here I come GYM!!
  • Dont beat yourself up! YOU LOOK FABULOUS!!! It is hard to see when you gain weight, especially of your clothes fit, but just a little tighter than they were. You will get back where you want to be.
  • You are super cute, but I know no matter how many of us tell you that, it doesn't change the way you feel. I've had the same experience. I remember feeling like I was looking pretty tough in a tank top and then getting the pics back and realizing I just looked like I had sausage arms.

    You've got some great before photos that you'll be able to use to remind yourself of what a great journey you've completed when you're all done.
  • Wow. you're really pretty. I hope you get where you want to. Just don't steal my future husband!
  • are beautiful!!!! Don't beat yourself up too bad. At least you have motivation to work out now. And you are very beautiful!!! Just keep following a healthy diet and excersize and you'll see great results!!!
  • You are not alone . It was a picture my husband took of me that got me going. Lots of luck.
  • You look great to me. If you want me to be critical, I'd say you looked "a little chunky" like a FEW extra pounds but only A FEW... but definitely not fat and you still are beautiful!
  • You look great, I think at 120 you would be too thin, wait and see how 10 - 15 pounds transforms you.

    Keep up the good work!
  • A picture got me going too. And I agree partially with Thingirl, but since you're pretty short I don't think 120 is an unrealistic goal at all.

    But right now you're totally beautiful. Good luck!
  • I would be jumping up and down and doing double backflips if I were as hot as you! LOL Don't be so hard on yourself!!
  • You are beautiful! Not just cute, beautiful.
  • I know the feeling *exactly*. Just dye your hair brown and we would have been twins. Although I would have been the shorter, uglier twin so it's probably for the best.

    But as far as a goal weight, I'm almost to 120 and I'd say it's a totally doable goal (not overnight, but doable). I'm a size 5 or 7 now in most stores (or even a 3 were they heavily vanity size). Although you do seem to be more hourglass-y than my linebacker shouldered self. So that might make a difference.

    Good luck! And you can do it!
  • Ummm, I really don't think you need us to confirm that you are gorgeous.

    But, I get you with the weight. You are beautiful as you are, but you want to lose weight for some reason and I can see exactly how that is a self-confidence booster.
  • Photos are what really got me going too. You have images of how you look (or used too, lol) in your head and then you see some photos and reality slowly sets in.

    Hang in there we're all in the same boat.
  • Wow - you are just beautiful! I think everyone sees those photos at some points, but its the kick in the butt we all need! good luck!