Anyone here 40 plus with preschoolers?

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  • This is really funny. I posted on this thread July 1st, 2 weeks after DD was born. Then last week I started the other thread because I completely FORGOT about this one! LOL at mommy-brain!
    How's everyone doing? Older kids back in school now - no excuses!
  • I posted on the other thread but will do so as well here....Hi everyone I am 42 and I have three children ages 15, 14 and 4. I had my hands full with two kids when I was younger so was not interested in having any more children but then DH and I decided if we are going to have another we better try, the following month I was pregnant. My weight issues revolve around pregnancies, everytime I get pregnant I gain between 60 and 80 lbs and then have a tough time getting the weight off. First go around with first two children I decided when dd was 3 I had to get the weight off took about a year but got it off and pretty much maintained wl until got pregnant with last child. Since giving birth my weight has been up and down but last year it climbed to all time high for me so I decided time to lose this weight again. Alot harder this time since I hit the 40's have lost 30 lbs in 9 months but need to lose another 20 to 30 to reach goal weight. I am starting to get lot's of energy and feel great though. Nice to have others with same issue going on.
  • Hi all,
    I'm 48 and I have a 10 year old and 5 year old twins. I met my husband when I was 32 and had to go through years of fertility treatment. I had given up having any more when I was 42 but hubby asked me to have one more go and the rest is history. I put on quite a lot of weight with the pregnancy as I felt soooo sick throughout the whole thing. The only thing that helped at all was eating carbs.

    I haven't been able to get the weight off. I lose half a stone then put it back on again, then do it all again and again. To be honest, I have found the last few years hard going. All my kids are intelligent, confident, boistrous and noisy. I have no idea what its like to raise a child who is happy to just sit still. I also found abandoning my career very difficult even though I know it was important for us as a family for me to do this. I have done some part time work (mostly from home) since the twins were a few weeks old and although this has kept me sane on the one hand, it has increased my stress levels on the other.

    Don't get me wrong, I love my kids more than anything in the world. Its just been harder than I thought it would be although I personally don't think it has anything at all to do with age. I'm much happier now. The kids are calming down and my career, which I thought was dead in the water, is showing signs of springing back to life. In many respects, I feel just as I did 20 years ago. The only thing that I feel is holding me back is my own attitude to my shape. I can't stand feeling this way. So, I'm going to have yet another go. As I type, I am waiting for my new cross trainer to be delivered!

    When I had my eldest at 37, I thought I would be the oldest mum at the school gates. At 42, with the twins, I "knew" I would be. I was wrong both times. There are loads of us! Good luck to everyone with the weight loss.
  • HI all - I just joined this group today and couldn't resist this thread -
    I am 45 and mom to a 4yo daughter and a 13yo son. I didn't gain much weight with my daughter - ~20lbs total and lost it pretty quickly. Not sure what happened but a couple of months later I gained 12 lbs in about 6 weeks - my doc said it was 'cause i'm now "over 40". I have been steadily gaining for the last 4 years and now am 30 lbs heavier than before she was born. I, too, find it hard to find time to exercise. Sometimes all i can fit in is a walk around the block with my daughter. hard to power-walk when you have to stop and examine every leaf, bug, nut, etc. along the way!!

    Nice to know there are others out there in the same boat as me!

  • I'm a 45 year old mom with two children, ages 8 and 12, but I still have the same sense of "when can I get enough time to myself to really eat well and get into great shape?" that I had when they were younger. Yikes!

    I've finally gotten past their slowing me down on walks, etc., and as a matter of fact both kids and my dh just "trained" for a 1 mile fun run last weekend. But I've gotten so out of shape (and now I have achilles tendonitis so I can't run without injuring it more...) that I've let them do their exercising without me, and I've been taking that time to work on house cleaning.

    I'm very active in our local school system, so weekdays when the kids are at school I usually am, too, which leaves evenings and weekends to do all the house cleaning that needs doing. I'm determined to change that starting tomorrow morning, though. I'm going to do my achilles stretches and ride my bike or walk BEFORE I start heavily into house cleaning. And I'm going to eat healthy foods just til I'm satiated. No cleaning up my kids' plates even if the food they left behind is delicious!

    I'm walking the Disney Half Marathon in January and haven't started getting ready for it yet, so that training starts tomorrow, too. I'm determined. Is anybody else going to really go for it between now and the new year?

  • Hello Everyone
    Hi Ladies--

    I'll be 46 in December -daughter #1 will be 18 in December-daughter #2 will be 15 in May and daughter #3 will be 4 in May also--been married 20 years--luckily--I have a very supportive and YOUNGER husband--lol

    Nice to know you're all out there--Julie
  • I am 47 and I have a four year old and a six year old, both conceived naturally and 22 months apart in age.
  • HI All I have a 3 yo

    She is very supportive on my diet LOL

    She says mom you want this cheeton, you cant have it your on a diet
    & then laughs LOL
  • I'm 47 and had my last baby right around my 41st birthday, I can totally relate to the problem with finding the time to plan and eat right and exercise yada yada Other mothers have done it, so I know this is partially a denial technique.

    I've struggled with avoiding the kids tasty treats and have fallen off of my plan so many times that I'm ashamed to show my face here. BUT, a few weeks ago I settled on just a few basic foods that I can eat and I'm not straying from them. Its working. The teens are very supportive and have never complained about my size, God love 'em. The younger kids are a little clueless, but that's probably a good thing because I don't want them telling everyone I'm on a diet
  • Glad to know I'm not alone. I got pregnant with number 3 on my 40th birthday. Biggest surprise I ever had but also the best birthday gift ever. He just turned 5 and will go to school next year. My other 2 are 13 and 15.
  • I had my fourth child three days before my 43rd birthday. I also have a 27 y/o daughter and sons 25 & 22. My four year old has two nephews(my grandsons) who are both two. I LOVE having another little one around-he keeps me young!
  • Hi. New here and saw this post. I am 42 and have a 16 yr old daughter and a 20 month old daughter. Both are a result of IVF and in between the two I had two babies born dead at 22 weeks (also invitro). Between all the hormones and the depression, etc, I've put on over 100 lbs. I need to lose weight badly to keep up with my girls!!

    Look forward to support system here.
  • Welcome Becky! I'm so sorry for your losses, that must have been very hard. I want to lose to keep up with my kids too!
    I look forward to getting to know you better,
  • Finally - people to relate to! My daughter is 9 months old, and I'm 41. This is my second go-around, as my first set of kids are 18, 16, 14 and 12. I can honestly say that being a parent in my 40's is easier, but losing weight in my 40's is almost impossible. I was 29 when my 12 year old was born, and kept that weight off. I was 40 when this little darling was born, and now 9 months later, the weight is still there.

    Thankfully, (or not) I have a 12 year old daughter, who is now the food police around my house! I told her I was going on a diet, and that once I'd lost the weight we'd go bathing suit shopping. She's a huge help with the baby, and follows me around with a notebook writing down everything I eat.

    I just signed up for weight watchers online (as I live in rural Alaska and getting to meetings isn't always possible) so two days into this and I'm actually getting excited to wear my old clothes again. Hopefully. And of course the new bathing suit...

    Plus, my oldest graduates in May, and I'd like to be skinny for his big day.

    My problem has been living here, especially in the winter, it's dark most of the time. Dark and cold. So cooking, sleeping, eating are big parts of the day. It's too cold to take the baby out for walks, too snowy to really push a stroller, the moose are around, I have a ton of excuses...

    My teenagers eat like horses, so I'm always making something for them to eat, having food on hand for them, it's hard not to eat as well.

    But, it's almost the new year, and time for the old me...

    Good luck Ladies~!
  • Hi there! I am new to the site. I am a 43 year old SAHM to a 5 year old girl and an almost 4 year old boy. About a year and a half ago I was in the best shape of my life, but through compulsive overeating and bingeing I find myself back up 35 pounds. I go to the gym just about every day, but my problem is being consistent with food. I am ready to get the weight off and keep it off for good. I hope to get to know some people here so we can help each other be accountable.